Chapter 35

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Mj's POV

On the ride home, I watched Kian and his girlfriend laugh and talk. I smiled at how happy my best friend is. I also felt a hint of jealousy, he and his girlfriend were holding hands. While my boyfriend is out partying, I'm third wheeling my best friend and his girl. I can't help but feel a little upset about this. I've been gone for a whole month, the least Zion could do was stick to his word. I shouldn't have to compete with weed and alcohol. I know who Zion is, who his friends are but him blowing me off for a party sucks. Especially since all his friends do is throw parties and play their own music. I have nothing against them because they're all great people. I just have a problem with Zion just blowing me off and making me feel like shit. I'm way too tired to deal with this. I just wanna go home and sleep. "Maddi you hungry?" I heard. I smiled and shook my head, "oh no, I'm actually tired and just want to sleep. Thanks though" I replied. Not really knowing who asked me. I looked out the window and watched the city come to life. It felt good to be home. I've been in my own world that I hadn't noticed we pulled up to the house. I got off the car, feeling completely weak. I'm sure Ayla noticed because I seen her elbow Kian on the side. I grabbed my backpack and lazily threw it on. Kian handed my suitcase to Ayla and he squatted down in front of me. "Hop on" I smiled and jumped on his back. "Thanks bubs" I whispered. I felt him laugh but didn't hear him. I felt him the brightness of the house lights burn my closed eyes. "Shh she's asleep" I heard Ayla say. Most likely to my friends. "I thought Zion was suppose to pick her up" a voice said. "His dumbass forgot and went to a party" I heard Ayla resound. I heard muffled whispers. I really didn't care, I just wanted to sleep. "Babe take her to her room. I'll help you" Ayla said. Man I like her. I felt us begin to walk. The next thing I know is I'm being laid down on my bed. I heard the door close but I felt my glasses being taken off. So I woke up. "Oh sorry, I thought it'd be better if I did this." I was faced with Ayla. I gave her a small smile and nodded. "Your phone was ringing a moment ago." She said handing me a wash cloth. I nodded my head and began to wipe my face. "You okay?" She asked. I shook my head and looked down at my lap. "Text him. Tell him you're home safe and not to call you because you're jet legged" she said. I smiled "thank you. I see why Kian loves you" I watched as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "I see why he loves you too. You know, he talks about you and your friends a lot." She replied. "He keeps me sane. Well not really but he and my brother are my favorite people I have left." I said thinking of my brother. She nodded her head. "AYLA!" We heard Kian yell. We looked at each other and laughed. "Princess Kian wants you" I said winking at her. She laughed and gave me a hug before leaving my room. I took Zions hoodie off and crawled into bed. I grabbed my phone and decided to text Zion.

I'm home. Tried calling you but you were "busy" partying with the 360 crew. Don't call or text me because I'll most likely be asleep. No I'm not mad. Just upset. Drink a lot of water tomorrow. Always.

I didn't bother keeping my ringer on. In fact I turned off my phone and got comfortable. I know I'll probably regret sleeping all day tomorrow but I need it. If I could I definitely would sleep for the next week or maybe year. Lowkey hoping his hangover tomorrow is horrible. He deserves it but I also hope he's okay. Stupid boy. I can't even stay mad at him. Ugh I need to sleep.

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