Chapter 71

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Mj's POV

My body felt like there was a 1000 pounds on me. I was slowly coming to my senses. I heard beeping and other machines. I slowly opened my eyes. But the bright lights caused me to flutter them open. I noticed the machines on either side of me. I'm in a hospital. I looked down and seen an IV running down my arm. I moved around a bit. I saw Kian asleep in the chair next to me. I laid my head back down. Remembering the events before I blacked out. "Oh you're awake" I heard a soft voice speak. I looked up to see a nurse. "Hi I'm nurse Danvers. I'm just checking your vitals. How you feeling?" She asked. I cleared my throat "like I was hit by a bus" I answered. She let out a soft chuckle. "I'll bring the doctor right in." She replied. I nodded my head. I put my hand on my stomach. I felt empty. Like something was missing. I lost my baby. I lost my brothers. I felt the hot tears leave my eyes. I heard some light knocking on my door. The doctor and the nurse walked in. And when they did, Kian had woke up. "Good morning Maddi, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked. "Like a bus hit me" I responded. He smiled "everything is fine. We have you some steroids to help open your lungs so you could get the proper amount of oxygen in you. We will need you to take it easy. But we had to take the remains of your baby out. If you would like, the hospital can take care of the remains or you can do that. Nurse Torres will get your discharge papers." He spoke. Kian has grabbed my hand gave it a light squeeze. "I have to plan my brothers funeral so can we leave the remains and pick it up so he could be buried with my brother?" I asked in a low whisper. They gave me a week smile. "Of course" he answered. I smiled at him and watched them leave the room. "Maddi?" Kian said breaking the silence. "You okay? Tell me the truth" he said. I looked over at him. "No I'm not okay. I lost my brother and my baby, I was cheated on by the guy I thought was the one, I was suppose to have a good life. My brother was suppose to come home..alive." My voice breaking. I wiped my tears away. He got up and walked over to me. "Shhh shhh I'm here" he said holding me. Kian held me for awhile. Making sure I was done crying. Giving me the comfort I needed. I can't believe my family are gone. My only brother is gone. My unborn baby is gone. How am I suppose to overcome this? My thoughts were broken when we heard knocking on my door. "Come in" Kian said. The door opened and there was Austin, Nick, and my manager. "Aww Maddi" Austin said walking over to me. He wrapped his arms around me. And I cried to him. I have only ever cried to those I truly trust. "They're gone aussie.." I whispered to him. He had ended up sitting on my bed and rubbed my right arm as he held me. "I know Maddi, I know." He responded. We stayed like this for awhile. "Maddi, other people want to see you okay?" He said. I nodded my head in agreement. But truth is, I didn't want to see anyone else. I wanted to be left alone. Away from everyone's pity and questions. I wanted my brother, I wanted my dad here with me. One by one my friends had come into the room. Saying their sorry's and I love you's. Austin had to leave and Kian was talking to my manager outside. Jc had brought me clothes to change into. And that's what I did. I washed up and changed into my clothes. As I walked out of the restroom, I was faced with Zion. Sitting in the chair with his head in his hands. He heard the door open and instantly stood up. "Maddi.." he said. I notice his red teary eyes. "Caleb I'm sorry I didn't tell you" I said, my voice breaking. He ran over to me. Holding me. "No no baby it's okay. Don't cry" he said. As much as I hated it, this is what I needed. He rocked us back and forth. Both of us crying. "I was going to tell you Caleb but I saw you with her. You were moving on and I didn't want to give another reason to hurt me." I said as I began to calm down. "Maddi, shhh it's okay. I'm not mad. We'll get through this." He said to me before kissing my head. "I want Jeremy. I want my brother" I said as I began to sob. Kian and Jc ran into the room. "What did you do?" Kian yelled. Jc held him back as they both saw that I was clinging to Zion. I felt Zion tighten his grip on me. "Maddi, baby, you're okay" Zion said. "I..I want J..Jeremy" I breathed out.

(so my school is cancelled for the remaining school year. My senior year went to sh*t real quick. Lowkey cried and now I'm listening to sad music.)

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