Chapter 4

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Zion's POV

I was playing fortnite with Nick when I got a call from Edwin. "Yo man, think you can pick me up from the studio?" He asked. "For sure man. Lemme get my shoes on and I'll be there" and with that I made my way out of the house. But I stopped and gave simba a quick kiss before I left my room. I got into the car and started to play Trippie Redd. ' internet money bitch  I wish that you would love me I wish that you would love me more nobody else but me like shorty, what you askin' for' I sung along with the radio. I always loved being alone at times. It was better than being forced to be in a room full of people who ain't got you like you do. I turned the corner to see Ed's colorful ass talking to two people. His ass is always making new friends. Social butterfly I swear. I pulled up to see the girl I met the other night. She's some friend of the jacks. She was really beautiful. Like a rare type of beauty. Her smile could definitely light up a room. It's almost a contagious type smile. She had this big smile as she rolled her eyes at the guy with the camera. "Oh MJ, do you remember Zion?" Edwin said. She cleared her throat as I spoke to her. Instantly smiling at her. She was about to reply when I got a call from Sammi. I answered because I know how she can be. "Hey Sam, what's up?" I said. "Where you at? I pulled up to the crib and you ain't here." She said. Man she always got a damn attitude. "I had to come pick up Edwin. I'm on my way chill" I said while hanging up. Edwin got into the car and I drove off. I was annoyed. Like Sammi and I are friends but with benefits you could say. "MJ's friend invited us kickback. The Jacks are gonna be there as well." Edwin said. A smile grew on my face. "Oh for real? Well ain't that nice" I said smirking. "Yeah yeah, bro you gotta hear the voice MJ got. She deadass has talent" Edwin said. Wow, this girl is getting more and more attractive.


I felt the tears trying to fall but I took a deep breath. I looked up at the ceiling and before I knew it, I was in a literal bone crushing hug from my best friends. "MJ I'm so sorry. He came over drunk to talk to you. Jc called Sam to come get him but he would budge. He kept telling us that he needed to tell you something-" I cut Kian off with a low "guys. can't. breath" they all released me and gave me a sympathetic smile. God I despise those type of smiles. "Don't worry guys. I'm fine. Actually I'm kind of tired. So imma head to bed." I said. Quickly getting myself away from them. Don't get me wrong, I love them like brothers but sometimes they can be overprotective and they tend to smother me. I just wanna be alone and try to get some sleep. After today, a good week of sleep would be ideal.  I got into my room, changing my clothes into some spandex and one of Kians shirt that I stole. Which he doesn't need to know about. I went to my bathroom and washed my face. You know the usual night time routine. I turned off my light and snuggled into my big comforter. As soon as I drifting off, Kian and Jc came into my room, turning on my bright ass light. "So we called Sam and we told that it'd be best if Colby didn't come to kick back this weekend." Kian spoke. I looked at him and then Jc. "You know if Colby doesn't come then Sam isn't coming" I said they knew this. "Look buddy, Colby is no longer welcomed here until he apologizes to you and all of us. So what if the dynamic duo doesn't come, their friends, our friends will come." Jc said sitting at the edge of my bed. "And anyways, Bobby said that he invited the pm boys" Kian said smirking. He knows something. Both Jc and I looked at him and then each other then back to him. "You know something. Spill." I said looking at Kian. We held this intense glare. He got too uncomfortable when we do this. He'll crack at any point. He quickly looked away. "Fucckkk" he said rubbing his eyes. "Okay, okay. At the party, one of the pm boys said that he thought you were beautiful" Kian said smirking again. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him. "Out. Now. I want sleep" I said pointing at my door. The boys laughed and made their way out of my room. I laid back down, ready to close my eyes. But I heard my door open and seen the boys walking in a line. "Good night sweet cakes." Kian said kissing my head, followed by Jc "good night buddy" then Bobby "good night kid" then Corey "I was told to say goodnight and give you a kiss on that big head of yours" I gasped, fake hurting. He leaned down and kissed my head "sleep good kiddo" I smiled at them and said my good night.

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