Chapter 43

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Mj's POV

We all got to Kat's apartment, it was fun being with them. They talked to me about how it's going to be. "I mean it's not bad since his fans never knew we were officially together." I said as we walked up the stairs. "Yeah but they had speculation you know?" Devyn said. I nodded my head and looked away. Tara grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "It'll hurt for awhile. And it's okay for you to feel like crying. It's apart of the process. Find something to help you cope with it." She said to me, smiling at me. I returned the smile and nodded my head. "And welcome to my humble adobe" Kat sang as we walked into her home. We placed our bags near her door and I walked around her place. I noticed she had a piano. I walked over to it and began to play a few keys. I smiled when it sounded actually decent. "That was great! Keep playing that. I have song..somewhere" she said looking through her notebook. I smiled and continued to play. I soon stopped, realizing I should probably record this. I pulled out my phone and started video recording. Kat walked over to me and sat down. "Okay found it" she chirped. I smiled and began to play the piano again.

(Play Blessed by Katrina Stuart)

"When Im feeling lost, feel like giving up, when my heart my heart is torn and my mine is stuck
You give me strength and love to help me believe.."

We continued with her song. She sung as I played the piano. It had actually sounded really good. When I was playing the piano, I really listened to Kat's lyrics. It made my heart ache but at the same time it gave some type of comfort. Maybe things do happen for a reason. Maybe Zion and I were meant to be together but the timing was all wrong. He still had to figure himself out. What he wanted in life and who he wanted. Me? I have so many things going for me. My friends are the best. My brother is great. My music is getting out in the world. Im doing things for me and it for anyone. I'm blessed to have the things I have no in life. Zion cheating on me hurt so much. I truly do love him but I can't be with someone who brought toxicity in my life. I needed to get over this and fast. Maybe write some songs, get all this emotion out of my system.

(So like I live in New Mexico and our governor had put in an order to cancel schools for 3 weeks due to this virus...which is going to push back my graduation😤 y'all probably don't care but I'm still pissed. ANYWAYS, enjoy this short chapter!💓)

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