Chapter 72

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Mj's POV

It's been two days since I was in the hospital. Two days since I lost my baby and my brother. I have been planning their funeral services. I've decided to to adjoin theirs. I haven't had much sleep, every time I close my eyes I picture how my brothers last moments were. And that scares me. It's been two days and I've been isolated. I don't want to be near anyone. I told my friends I don't want to see them. Kian and Austin are the only ones I've allowed near me. Austin's mom flew down and has been helping me. There has been a few times where Zion has tried to see me. But as usual, I tell him and everyone else to leave me alone. "Maddi, you've got to eat something" Austin as he set a plate down. "I'm not hungry" I respond. His mom went out to look at caskets for me. I can't leave the house. There has been paparazzi's outside our house. Stories and articles written about what happened. Celine has made a report on my behalf. Stating I won't be on social media for awhile and this time I want my privacy. "Maddi, honey, the caskets are done. The hospital has brought the baby's remains to mortuary" Austin's mom said walking into the room. I nodded my head. "Okay" I whispered. "Has she eaten?" She asked Austin. "No she hasn't." He answered. "Maddi, why don't you try to eat something" she said. I looked at the plate, fruits and a sandwich. I walked over to it and slowly ate it. I didn't want to worry them anymore. I watched as they walked out of my room. I took a couple more bites of my sandwich. As I was chewing it, my stomach felt weird. I put the sandwich down on my late and ran to the my bathroom. I threw my food back up. Not being able to keep it down. I felt my hair being held back. I let my stomach empty out. When I was done, I sat back against whoever was with me. The person had grabbed a wash cloth and handed it to me. "Here" they said. I looked up to see Jack. I wiped my mouth and he helped me up. "You okay?" He asked as I went to my sink to brush my teeth. I looked at him through the mirror and shook my head. When I finished, I turned to face him. "Wanna go for a ride?" He asked. I thought about it. I was practically losing my mind in this house. Being babied and watched. "Let's go." I went to my closet and grabbed a hoodie. One of Zion's I kept. We walked out of my room and into the living room. There sat Kian, Jc, Bobby, Chelsey, and the Prettymuch boys. All of them. Zion was the first to see us. He stood up and walked over to me. He gave me a weak smile and pulled me in for a hug. I let it happened. I had no energy left to push him away. To push any of them away. "Mj and I will be back later" G said. "Look after her okay?" Jc said to G. We walked to the door and left the house. Once we got out of the house, there was paps everywhere. Running towards us with their cameras. "Maddi, is it true you lost both your baby and brother?" I heard. I stopped and looked at him. "You have 5 seconds to get off my property or I'll have you arrested for privacy invasion and harassment." I said reaching for my phone. They all looked at each other and slowly began to walk away. G and I were heading to his Jeep when I heard my name. I turned around and seen an older women. "Maddi?" She said again. I pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head "yes?" I responded. "Oh Maddi baby, it's me, Rebecca. Your mom" she said. I felt a rush of anger run through my body. Why come now? Why make an appearance now?

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