Chapter 18

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Kian's POV

It was early morning, maybe 7 or 8. Jc and I were getting ready to leave the house because we have a meeting at Fanjoy headquarters for new merch ideas. We walked outside and see Zion carrying Mj bridal style. I was kind of confused. "What's up man?" I said catching Zion's attention. He smiled "nothin much. Mj and I were out all night, just talking. She fell alseep on the way back" he said. I nodded my head. "Here lemme help you" I heard Jc said. He walked back to the door so they could go inside. "Hey no funny business" I jokingly said to Zion. He laughed "Nah bro I wouldn't do that shit" he said. "When she wakes up, let her know we went to a meeting and won't be back until dinner" I said looking back at him. He nodded his head and walked inside the house. Jc and I got into my Jeep. "I wonder if they're going to date" Jc spoke. I looked at the house "I don't know. But I don't want him to hurt her." I said driving away from the house. "I know buddy, me too" Jc said.


Zion's POV

After that brief conversation with Kian and Jc, I carried Mj to her room. She looked so peaceful sleeping. I couldn't help but smile at her. I somehow managed to get her door open. I carefully placed her down on her bed and was about to walk out but I heard her mumble something. I turned around and looked at her. "Caleb, please stay with me" she said. I closed her door and walked over to the other side of her bed. I took off my shoes and laid down besides her. I watched as she came closer to me and cuddled up to me. Her actions caught me off guard but I relaxed and wrapped my arm around her. I moved the hair out of her face and admire her beauty. "I think I'm falling for you ma" I whispered to her. Hoping she was actually asleep. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I got comfortable and fell asleep.

(Sorry this one is kind of short! I'll try to post another one today)

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