Chapter 17

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Kissing Zion, not once, not twice but three times felt amazing. It was like a movie scene. Where the two figure out their feelings. I've figured out mine and I think Zion figured out his. We both have feelings for each other. Right now, we were sitting in his car. Holding hands as he drove us to the beach. "So Maddi, tell me more about your childhood. I know almost everything except that." Zion spoke. Glancing at me and then the road. "What do you wanna know?" I asked, looking at him. "Tell me everything." He said. I nodded my head and began to fiddle with the ring he wore. "Well my mom and dad were high school sweethearts. They met their sophomore year. My mom was a cheerleader and my dad was both a football and basketball player. They were the perfect couple. My dad loved my mom so much. They loved each other. After graduation, my parents stayed in Omaha. My dad got a job as a police officer. My mom became a nurse. My brother, Jeremy, was born. My dad told me he was upset that their first wasn't a girl but they loved my brother so much. He was spoiled. And then when he was three, my mom found out that she was pregnant with me. At first, she was scared of how my dad would react. So she didn't tell him until she was two months. My dad was happy about it and so was my brother. Everything was great. We were the perfect family. And around my 7th birthday, my parents would argue. All the time. My mom wouldn't come home for days at a time. Then one day, my mom told my brother and I that she was going away. We thought she meant like work. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into years. My dad was heart broken, shit I mean we all were. But my dad did it, he took care of us, had a well paying job, roof over our heads and food on the table. When my brother was 16, he got a job. I somehow was smart enough to skip a grade. So when I should've been a freshman, I was moved up to 10th grade. Since I was raised in a household of boys, I obviously played quote on quote boy sports. So that's how I played varsity football with Jeremy. My brother and dad mean the world to me. It's always been us three against the world. Then my dad's job transferred him here to LA. I left behind the Jacks, Sammy, and my brothers best friend, Nathan. We were like a big family. Good thing Jeremy graduated, he joined the Marines shortly after. So it wasn't a hassle but for me, I was only a junior. It was great, I met Kian and Jc through the Jacks when they moved here. I met Colby when I was in my last year of high school. I was working at this trampoline park, him and his friends filmed a video there. We just grew closer and eventually started dating. My dad actually helped me buy my own apartment. I had two jobs living here, my first job was at the diner and the trampoline park. But after I started hanging out with KnJ and Sam and Colby's friends, I got noticed. Had my own fan base. About almost two years ago, my dad was shot. The bullet punctured his lung and by the time they got him to the hospital, he was already gone. Kian, Colby and Jeremy were the one who helped me through my tough time. I found out Colby had been cheating on me with his friend, Shea. I had suspected it if I'm being honest. I didn't say anything until I caught them. I finally noticed that my dad wouldn't want me to be with someone who didn't appreciate me. So I called it quits. And now when I see him, I am disgusted by him. I can't stand being near him. Not too long ago, I started posting covers on YouTube. And now, I'm recording songs. This girl I met, her name is Maggie Lindemann, she's helping me with my music. Umm I think I covered it all." I said looking at Zion. He looked at me and pulled me in for a hug. "You, Maddi, are the strongest person I've ever met." He whispered in my ear. I smiled and looked at him in his eyes. "Come on ma, lets go watch the sun rise" he said. I smiled as we got off his car. He went to the back and grabbed a blanket. "So you just have a blanket with you at all times?" I said laughing. "Actually, Nick use to take his girl on dates to the beach and always left a blanket in here" he said walking up to me. I nodded as he grabbed my hand. We walked in silence, he looked for a spot. I watched as he laid the blanket down. He sat down and patted the spot next to him. "Zion this is some corny ass shit" I said as sat down. He laughed with me. "Come here ma" Zion said as he pulled me in front of him. I caught onto what he was doing. I sat in between his long ass legs as he wrapped his arms around me. I played with fingers as we watched the sunrise in silence. "Mj?" Zion whispered. I looked up at him "hmm?" He looked down and smiled at me. "Lemme take you out on a date" he said. I smiled "Sure. When and where dreads?" I said. He laughed "I was thinking tomorrow, well today I guess if you're free" I brought my hand to his neck and pulled him down to me. I gave him a kiss. "Okay" I whispered. I felt him smile as he kissed me again. "Alright, I wanna sleep before this date later" I said standing up. Zion sat there as he watched me. "Come on lover boy." I said holding my hand out for him. He groaned but took my hand anyways. I helped him up and grabbed the blanket. I threw the blanket on him and ran to the car. "Damn it Mj, you got sand in my fuckin mouth" he yelled. I reached the car, laughing uncontrollably as Zion stomped over to me. "You think that was funny huh?" He said wiping sand off his shirt. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter. But failed when I saw sand stuck to his face. "Awww Caleb" I said walking over to him. I brushed off the sand as I felt his eyes on me. I looked up at him. "What?" I said nervously. "I think a kiss would make me feel better Mj" he said pouting. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He looked at me shocked. "You gotta stop playing with me like that lil mama" he said walking to driver side. I smiled and waited for him to drive. As he drove away from the beach, my eyes felt heavy. Soon sleep had taken over me.

(Yooooo here's another chapter for tonight. I hope y'all enjoy this. Hopefully I'll get another chapter tomorrow if school gets canceled tomorrow🤪 fingers crossed🤞🏼 )

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