Chapter 1

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A/n: Please before you read this, read it with cautious as it says this book will have mature materials like;

Sexual assault
Drug use
Domestic abuse
Sexual context

Each of my characters have their own story and trauma so please be respectful to them and show empathy instead of judging them so quickly.

This is the first book I've written and I an proud of my work no matter if you do not appreciate it. But please be kind and enjoy my book but if you decide you don't like it, do not leave hateful comments and just leave. No one is forcing you to read my book but it is appreciated.

Now welcome to Strange Addiction and enjoy the ride.


It's the same routine every day. Get ready. Go to school. Go to work then come back home. And every day I wonder why am I still here? I know a teenager shouldn't be thinking these things but I can't help it. Is it to take care of my mom because if it is I'm failing at it terribly.

I can't help but wonder why are any of us here? What is our purpose in life? To become something more than what we are or to be the person we've always been? My mother keeps telling me I have to change myself for friends. I have none and she says it's because of the way I look and dress. But I like the way I look. Is that a crime?

But hearing her saying it over and over again, it's hard to ignore.

So here I am. On the first day of my senior year hoping something this year will go better. Something will make me want to stay because the only thing keeping me going is knowing I can get out of here. And that's not enough.

I walk past the same white and red halls as always. I can't wait to get away from here. I love some people but others well I don't hate them.

Someone shoves me towards the lockers and I groan. I glare at the person. Kevin Lockwood. "Slut." He mutters.

I'm a virgin smart-ass.

I have no idea why but he hates my guts for a reason I don't know of. He makes it his sole mission to make my life a living hell. Well, he and his little group of friends. "Wow, such a greeting," I mumble to myself pushing myself off the lockers and walking towards mine.

I reach for my locker and open it, stuffing my book bag in. I hate the first period. It's too early. My first period was English. Great.

I walk to the classroom, finding the room empty. I see Mrs. Baker at her desk. She greets me with a good morning and I greet her back. She smiles and I sit by the window in the middle of the room. Students begin to fill in the classroom and I take out my notebook knowing Mrs. Baker will tell us to take notes on the first day of school.

As I guessed, she did. A full page of notes on what our goals are for this year and me being the perfect student I am, I wrote two pages.

I know I'm a nerd.

I don't consider it a bad thing but my mom does.

She says I need to show more skin and be more of the girl I'm not. She says it's the only way to gain a man's attention. But at times she says men are the worst thing that can happen to women. She and her pills along with the drinking do not go well. My mother is an alcoholic and she is bipolar. I make sure she doesn't take her pills while she's drinking. I have to give her pills in the morning and take them to school so she won't find them at the house and give them to her after dinner.

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