Chapter 14

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I drove off back to my house seeing my men stationed outside and many were in the house itself. I hated people and I hated them more but they were paid to protect my family and if they didn't I would make them beg for death.

I pull onto the driveway seeing Mateo playing on the steps making me frown. He isn't supposed to be out without one of us with him and I mean Lorenzo, Martina, or me. I didn't trust these Testa di cazzos.

I couldn't help but slam the door shut once I turned off the engine. I see Mateo slightly jump in surprise hearing the car door. He stands up and immediately looks down to the ground seeing me.

I scowl at one of my men grabbing him by the neck, yanking him away from my little brother so he wouldn't see. "When I say he can't go out without one of my siblings watching him I fucking meant it."

"Alex, look what I found!" Matteo's excited voice made me turn my head to see him holding a green gecko or lizard. It kinda looks like both but in baby form. I roughly pat the man's shoulder before shoving him away from me. Dumbass. He can't even listen to simple instructions and it's making me annoyed.

"Put that in Martina's bed," I said and he smiled nodding, running back inside to hide the lizard which will make Martina scream so loud and have nightmares for days. I'm a wonderful older brother.

I walk inside seeing not one person and I suddenly hear screaming making me sigh. I walk straight making a right then down that hallway, then a left before seeing a door to the truth behind it.

I press my finger against the scanner before it takes my eye scan. The door automatically opens and the screams grow, making me roll my eyes as I walk down the stairs.

Immediately the sight of a man being tortured by my dear brother. Lorenzo was the expert when it came to torturing a man. He knew the exact pinpoints to cause the most pain and he knew what each scream meant. He knew everything our father taught us and more. He knew how to be a killer. We both did.

He stood in front of the poor bloody man who was tied to a wooden chair. I saw two daggers in both the man's palms holding his arms down and the ties on his legs were digging into his skin. He sharpens his knife tilting his head to look at the poor man but he just shakes his head amused.

"Lorenzo," I called out, making him turn his head to look at me. "Finally, I thought you would miss all the fun," Lorenzo said backing away and I passed him a towel from the rack next to me. He takes it and begins to wipe his hands. "He still won't talk and he's taking the pain like a pussy." Lorenzo commented and I chuckled.

"Oh little brother, when have you ever believed someone other than us can ever take pain well?" I teased and Lorenzo shrugs unfazed by the question.

"My family. My responsibility." Lorenzo responded and that struck a chord with me because I knew something was bothering him. He never used those words unless he needed to speak to me in private. We made the line when we were ten and needed to talk alone. Away from Martina, our mother, and father. Everyone.

I signal my head to the back room in this cellar and he follows me as I walk. I enter the room seeing the weapon on the wall. Guns, daggers, shotguns, grenades. If someone walks into this room they would think we're either assassins or serial killers.

He leans against one of the many walls next to the glass case filled with daggers and he opens it, grabbing a butterfly knife.

He flips it over, spinning it around his fingers as he looks at me bored. "What?" I asked and he continued to play with the butterfly knife as he spoke, "what are you doing with that brunette of yours?"

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