Chapter 25

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Gripping the dresser in front of me, a groan slipped my lips feeling the pain from the pain my father's men did once again. Every year on my birthday I'm given a test. A test of loyalty and strength. The bruises and scars were a part of owning my part in this family. If you can even call what we are as family.

My door was suddenly opened and the sound of the doorknob clicking shut made me quickly turn around, pressing my 9mm onto the person's head hearing a gasp. My eyes mine Elena's who was standing only inches from me.

I shouldn't want her. I shouldn't crave for her skin on mine and I definitely shouldn't have kissed her. Stopping myself from falling for her was impossible and believe me I've tried. I lowered my gun and suddenly her body was pressed against mine, feeling her hands travel up my abs before cupping my face in her small palms.

"Alec, I heard my mami and papi talking about what he does to you and came rushing here. Why didn't you tell me? You knew I would've understand." I sighed, moving my hands on top of hers before dropping them off my face. I combined them together before pressing a kiss on them. "I didn't want to burden you."

"How can you do that? I want you to let me in and accept your feelings, Alec. I'm drowning here waiting but that doesn't matter right now. Get on the bed. I'll clean you up."

I opened my mouth to oppose this ridiculous conversation. She knew every year this happened and she was the one waiting for me to come back. The girl who was off limits but so close in my reach. I shut it looking at her crossing her arms, tapping her foot annoyed and I knew she wasn't going anywhere until she knew I was okay.

I sighed sitting down on my bed and she shines her victory smile before she hurries to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes, feeling a smile creep up as she skips back in, hopping right in front of me with a first aid kit.

I looked up as she lifted my chin up with her hand, tilting my head to the side. "Why does he hurt you on your birthday? What's the purpose?"

"I could ask you the same." I glided my hand down her stomach outlining the bruises that she tried to hide from me with concealer which never worked. The wince of pain furrowed through her eyebrows, her eyes avoiding mine trying to hide the pain with a smile. A smile that I knew all too well. I knew who Elena James was and the person she wanted to be.

"Your mother hurts you and you won't let me do a damn fucking thing about it. She deserves to rot and burn in hell."

I watched as she flinched, feeling my hands on her but rolled her head back sighing. Her hands gripped mine pulling them from her stomach and onto her chest. "You can't speak like that. My mother's his sister, Alec. He would never let her die. I can't let her die and if you kill her, you'll kill a part of me."

"You are not your mother."

"I am her blood. Her flesh and blood. Some of us can't just forget who birthed us. No matter how much we try." Elena grips my hands harder as I try to leave, not wanting to finish this conversation.

"They fucked us up good, didn't they?"

"Yes, they did." Elena presses her forehead on mine with a small smile peeling to the surface causing me to break free from her restraints to cup her cheeks. Elena moves her hands to wrap around my wrist, burying her face into my palms. "You say I'm not like father so what makes you, your mother."

"There's something you don't know." Elena whispers and I pull her down onto my lap and tears fill her eyes as she continues. "I wasn't just back home with papi and Mami."

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