Chapter 35

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I stood in front of a man who pleads for his life almost every single day since he made the decision to harm what's mine. Unbuttoning the top buttons of my white dress shirt that seemed to suffocate me all day and stuffed my hands into the pockets of my black dress pant and tilted my head back, trying to release the tension in my shoulders by rolling them back.

Tomorrow was the day everything would change. Tomorrow was the day, my mother would roll into town and start a war between my mind and form a perfect symphony of torment. In six days the worst would come and in six days, a masquerade was going to be placed in this very house and Halloween would be filled with real monsters and devils in the same room.

Taking my hands out of my pockets and reaching over one hand to roll up my sleeves up to my elbow on each arm before walking closer to the man who was broken beyond repair and it made me static.

Going around his body, scanning the next area I would torment today was like getting a new toy and I was saving the best for last but I guess I could work on the legs today.

Picking up one of the many knives in here but this one was different from the others. A knife that never hit the market. A knife that was claimed to be one of the most dangerous knives on the planet because once this knife was impeded into your skin, it lodged itself deeper inside until it's broken flesh and bone and then braced itself before coming fully out of you only to lodge itself back in over and over again until you can't feel any nerves in that part of your body. It becomes limp and broken in only a matter of seconds.

Whistling as I walked back to stand in front of Antonio and cut a piece of his pants off so I could get a clear space for my pretty little knife but Antonio's eyes snapped open and I sighed annoyed that he wasn't going to make this easy for me but I did enjoy some chaos.

Antonio instead of fighting like a man decided to scream like a small child hoping someone would hear him but I made these walls soundproof so Matteo wouldn't get paranoid or know what we truly did and who we truly were.

Backhanding the idiot with a smirk plastered on my lips as I rubbed a hand over my mouth. "Not that I don't love to hear your screams but why scream for your life when I can hear your screams in pain?"

Slamming the knife into his knee, his screams flowed through the walls and my ears were pleased to hear the sounds of his screams sound through the walls but my phone rings making me groan. Why does everyone seem to interrupt me when I'm having fun?

"Shut up, will ya? Or do I have to get a matching knife?" Antonio shook his head, wheezing as he shut his mouth watching his blood pour from his body as if it soothed him. Taking my phone out of my breast pocket seeing the name 'Baby' with two heart emojis. Martina said if Elena didn't have a special nickname for her number on my phone that I was just scared of commitment and I was pissed so I did it just to prove my point which only ended up in her laughing at me. Sneaky little bitch.

Placing a finger over my lips signaling Antonio to shut the fuck up and surprisingly he listened. I answered my phone placing it over my ear, walking away from Antonio. "Where are you?" It's been hours since I'd seen her and I knew school was already over, it was fucking eight in the night and I knew she wasn't fucking home either.

"I've been walking around my neighborhood." Her shaky quiet voice made my feet pause in their footsteps and my voice turned cold. "What the fuck happened?"

"Nothing. I just...really need you to hold me right now. And I don't care how pathetic that sounds. Can you pick me up? I'm at the corner of 5th and Maple street." I was already out of the basement and heading outside before she even spoke and I turned on the engine as I hopped in my car. "I'll be right there."

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