Chapter 7

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I got home and it was quiet. Wow, my mother must be passed out because if she was awake, she would be checking my mouth or hitting me.

Might as well take advantage. I dropped my bag on the ground not caring about it right now. I walked into the living room to see my mother passed out on the couch with a bottle of vodka in her hand. I sighed, taking the bottle, placing it on the table, and lifting her arm on the couch. I look at my mother. Her face, form, look. She wants me to be more like her but I don't even know if she likes who she is. I don't. I missed my mother. The one who I used to look up to, not the one she turned into.

I threw a blanket over her and sighed. "When will I feel loved by you?" I mumble looking down at my mother before seeing her boyfriend on the couch. He looked half-awake. His eyes looked at my mother and then trailed to me looking up and down my body. He smirks seeing my mother asleep.




He moved to get up and I ran.

I run up the stairs as he chases after me and he grabs my leg. I scream kicking his face, he groans and I take that to my advantage. I continue to run up the stairs into my room, locking my door. He bangs on my door and I could hear his hoarse voice from behind my door. "Come on, sweetheart. I'm not going to hurt you, I just wanna taste you." He laughs and slides down my door bringing my legs to my chest, and wrapping my arms around myself. I cover my mouth trying to hold in my sob.

"Come on little girl. Let me in." He demands and I shake my head. My tears kept falling down my face and I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout in his face telling him I'm more than good fuck. I'm a virgin. I don't even know how to fuck.

Please go away. Go away!

His banging stopped but I could hear his labored breathing from here. I could hear his groans and I knew what he was going to make me want to puke. "I'm thinking about you, little girl. Only you." He groans and gasps as he releases. He was jerking off behind my door and I cried into my knees.

I wanted to disappear

When my day is going even remotely good, someone has to ruin it for me. And today that person was my mother's boyfriend.

I heard his footsteps retrieve from my door but not before he whispered. "You can't hide forever, little girl."

I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Nothing new to me, throwing up my guts in this very same toilet. I used to eat so much food back home and I missed it. The favor, the taste, the hotness it had on my lips.

I get up flushing the toilet. I sighed hearing laughter downstairs. They're awake which means they're coming upstairs. The laughter came closer to my door and I flinched at the sound. A door slam made me know they were in my mother's room. And a man told me they were going to be there for a while.


I looked into the mirror as I threw my short-sleeved tank top which my mother bought. I have no idea why. She wanted me to show more skin but she didn't understand I couldn't. The bruise on my back when she threw me against the wall, or the scar down my right leg when she dragged a knife down my leg as punishment for trying to eat in front of her.

I could only eat small things like cereal or yogurt. Something that can stop me from dying. I didn't know why it was so bad but I knew why she kept me. For money. I'm the one who works for college and food, everything. She doesn't lift a finger.

I'm just lucky my stomach and front of my body aren't scarred. The scars healed but they felt like they never left.

I stared at the person looking back at me. She had long black curly hair and rosy cheeks that needed to be fed.

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