Chapter 26

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When someone doesn't give you permission to touch them, you listen and back off. People who can't keep their hands to themselves and rape others form scars that stay hidden but hurt the worst. Scars that took longer to heal and when someone threatens to assault you, fear bubbles in your chest and at first you freeze. It can feel like years just standing there wondering what your next move can be and some come with options that don't harm but others say give me what I want or die. I chose option three.


Walking down Aspen Drive, I stuffed my hands in my pockets as the snow piled on the streets. I tried to stay warm, wrapping my coat tighter against my body but the snow wasn't giving me a break as it continued to pour down. My teeth clattered as my body shivered, craving some warmth.

I didn't notice someone was walking in front of me and crashed into them, stumbling back and beginning to apologize for my clumsiness when my eyes landed on Mayor Robert Smith, an alarm filled my chest as I immediately took a step back. Every woman knew the rumors of Robert Smith. He would invite you to a nice party, buy you a dress, let you drink champagne all night and when you start feeling like a princess and special, dizziness catches you by surprise and suddenly you're in a dark hotel room and his body on top of yours. No matter how much you begged for him to stop, he just laughed and shoved inside you.

I didn't want to be his next victim.

"Elena, I'm so glad I ran into you." His light blonde hair covered his eye causing him to push his hair back. His dark blue eyes made girls swoon and his looks were a crime. He used those eyes to lure women in and rape them. His body made him look like the skinner version of Thor. There was no tattoo on his skin and his hands had an engagement ring. Whoever the woman was, I felt bad for her.

"Hello." Be nice to the dirtbag and you won't have problems.

"I am so sorry about bumping into you." Good. Stay in the green zone.

"Well, we're all clumsy sometimes. How's Javy and Camila?" Why is he making small talk? What does he want?

"They're good. I have to go." I said before moving to leave when he blocked my way causing me to freeze in panic. "Not so fast. What's the rush?"

Fear builds up in my chest and his eyes darkened as he scanned my body and my grip on my coat tightened. Awareness filled my head realizing we were in a dark alley with only one street light and I knew I wasn't leaving here unharmed. But when was I ever unharmed?

"I need to get home. I promised Isabelle I would try and help her learn how to cook." Isabelle couldn't cook for shit. One time she tried to make Mangú and she almost burned down the kitchen. I can cook, she can bake. Maybe that's why we were such a great pair. Dominic just looks pretty setting the table. His words, not mine.

"I just wanted to invite you to Winter Wonderland. It will be the cheeriest night of the year." I bet.

"I'm sorry but I can't. My cousin's expecting me. Thanks for the offer." I was finally able to side past him and when I believed I was in the clear until a hand grabbed around my wrist, yanking me back before my back was pressed on a wall. Air was flooding my lungs as his body pressed against mine and his weight was crushing mine as he pushed forward. "You know when a man asks a woman like yourself out, you say yes."

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