Chapter 40

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Elena's POV

After thirty minutes of Alessandro holding me as I dazed between life and death. I didn't fully understand what would happen if I didn't take those pills but can anyone blame me for not taking them? My mother is a drug addict and what if I took some of those pills and turned exactly like her? I couldn't bare the thought of becoming my mother.

I sighed, opening my eyes feeling Alessandro's hard body behind me, and snuggled closer to him, I pressed my two fingers against his neck feeling him do the same to me before lifting my head from his chest. He was staring at me with such concern that made me feel guilty about not taking them as I should. "You wanna tell me why the fuck you haven't been taking your pills and lying to me about it?"

"Not really," I mumbled before burying my face in his neck, hoping he'll stop his questions because just one slip up and I could tell him everything, and telling him everything would only lead to more problems. He wrapped his arm around my waist before moving one under my legs and he stands up, carrying me in his arms. He held me close as he went to his bedroom, and I opened the door for him before settling back in his arms.

He walks in and I close the door behind him. He walks towards his bed and sets me down there before he begins to pace back and forth. I wanted to try and calm him down, telling him I had it under control but the trembles going down his arms and the droplets of sweat coming down his forehead, along with his fingers digging into his palms, I knew this wasn't just about me.

He didn't say a word before heading towards the bathroom, shutting the door with a slam making me flinch reminded of the door slamming the night I lost my baby. I forced myself onto my feet hearing the shower turn on and I headed towards the bathroom, twisting the knob to find out it was unlocked.

I pushed it open to find him in the tub with all his clothes on. His legs were pushed up to his chest and his head was pulled in between his legs as if he was trying to forget everything. The water hit his neck, shoulders, and back and he was filling the tub while he was still inside. I step inside and settle behind him, planting my ass on the tub, wrapping my arms around his trembling body feeling the cold water hit us and I held him as he leaned back, and I kiss his forehead wanting to allow the pain away but I knew I couldn't.

Alessandro turned his face into my arm and I could feel tiny droplets of his tears falling but he never showed me he was breaking down and it seemed like he always hid his pain. Even from himself. "Let's go somewhere. Take me anywhere and let us forget what's happened. I swear I'll even eat food. Real food, not strawberries but they would be nice." His body shook making me know he was laughing and I wrapped my arms around his waist, before sliding my hands underneath his shirt feeling his cold skin.

"Anywhere?" Alessandro asked as I took his shirt off, dropping it aside before kissing his neck with a nod. "But I have one request. Somewhere surrounded by nature. We need a break from society." I mumbled and he finally decides to turn the water from cold to hot making me sigh. "I was already thinking that."

He turns me around so I was straddling his waist and he leans forward, turning the knobs to fill the tub with water. He tore off my shirt, pushing down my pants as I lifted my hips so he could take them off. "Alec?" I asked confused as he taps my thigh to stand up and I listened, placing my hands on my shoulders for balance before standing on my feet and he was soon on his feet. "I need to feel you." He said, kissing my lips.

I didn't argue anymore as he takes off the rest of his clothes and then started peeling off the rest of my underthings, I took a hair tie from my hair before fixing my hair into a messy bun.

I felt so bare as he was watching me and he pulled me into his arms, lifting me and I wrapped my legs around him as he settles us down in the tub. "Come here." He hugged me and buried his face in my hair and when he held me so close, my chest squeezed with anxiety so nervous about him seeing me naked but he wasn't looking at me, he was only feeling my flesh on his. Skin on skin. Bone on bone. Soul on soul.

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