Chapter 37

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Elena's POV

The moonlight shines and the movement from Alessandro's body woke me up from the memories of the past but parts of it were a blur like most of my past. It was confusing parts were hidden beneath the surface, trying to force their way out of my subconscious and reveal themselves.

My body was bathed in Alessandro's body heat as he held me in his arms. His body was scattered over mine. His arms were wrapped around my waist as his body was forged in between my legs. My thighs were on either side of his hips and my fingers were on his back, tracing each scar he's never fully told me who harmed him. My lungs hummed a melody that we formed together in the chorus room, calming down his body as I hummed and hummed.

Alessandro's breath fanned my neck and I never felt such peace but when I was in his arms, it was a never-ending loop of peace and safety. I felt my stomach fill with glee as his fingers cascaded down my hips but his arms still stayed around my waist.

He held on tight but his touch drew me in a humming lullaby and I was able to control my demons with him in arms reach. I never wanted someone so bad and I never felt someone want me for more than just sex. It was hard to believe to say the least.

Trying to fuse my skin within his, I took his forearms in my palms, urging his arms closer to my frame. He squeezed and took all the air from my lungs as he turned his head to bury it into my neck, drowning himself in my scent. I had no idea if he was awake or not but it felt like my body was at peace.

My eyes were about to glue shut when the door squeaks open. "Alex...?"

I soon realized that Alessandro was a light sleeper and realized I never was truly able to see his face when he was sleeping. He always hid himself in me when we slept and I never got to experience a time when he was vulnerable with me well instead of...

Alessandro, this time didn't move an inch and my body was glued stuck to his, trying to kick his leg to wake him up only drew his thigh in between my legs making me bite my bottom lip.


I hear the muffled hiccup of 8-year year old and Alessandro's head lifted at the sound of his brother crying. He flips his body to his side before jumping out of his bed just as I sit up watching Alessandro kneel down in front of his little brother, who was sobbing through his sleeve, covering his face with his arms. He was wearing a long-sleeve blue and red shirt with plaid PJ pants.

"Another nightmare?" Alessandro ponders as he took Matteo in his arms, cradling his head and Matteo snuggles his head further into his brother's shoulder before nodding. "Can I sleep with you?"

"Of course, you can." Without another word, Alessandro picks up his little brother and Mateo clings to him like he was the only thing keeping him from breaking.

Alessandro sets Matteo in the middle of the bed next to me and I smile kindly, laying back, opening an arm as an invitation and Mateo crawls towards me, falling on top of me in the same position Alessandro was. I looked up at Alessandro with a smile seeing how similar the two are.

Alessandro shuts the door before turning to see the two of us and a hint of amusement pooled in his eyes as he heads toward us. He crawls into bed underneath the covers and rolls to his side facing us and he placed his hand on Matteo's arm. "Tell me what the dream was about."

Mateo shook his head on my shoulder and Alessandro moved to sit up Mateo immediately sat up on my lap before placing his hands on Alessandro's who had both palms faced forward on his lap.

"Close your eyes." Alessandro whispers and Mateo reductively closed his eyes before sighing as the two of them spoke but something about this was different. It was like they were saying a prayer to a God who had no name.

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