Chapter 4

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I didn't fall, thank goodness but I whimpered and I didn't think he heard it.

I could feel the wind on every inch of my body. He veered left and the bike leaned so far, that I thought we'd tip over. I'm surprised we haven't since well as my mother says "I'm fat."
"Can you slow down a little bit? Please?" I yelled. But once we rounded the corner, he sped off, shooting to warp speed, and I yelped, locking my arms around his body and squeezing him between my thighs.

"Alessandro!" I gasped holding him tighter.

If he doesn't stop this damn death trap--

Then all of sudden, my body was turned to the front and I bummed my head on the side of his helmet with my own. "Alec!" I wrapped my arms around his waist, tucking my head down in whatever space I could find, hating the fact that now I wasn't able to see anything. And then I felt us leap in the air for only a moment and my ass went up in the air before harshly settling back.

My heart leaped into my throat, and I felt like I had no control over anything even a ride. I never had control in my life. I've always felt like my decisions were never my own but my mother's.
My body rushed with heat and energy, terror swelled in my throat. "Stop this! Please! You're going to kill the both of us trying to prove a point and there are more beautiful ways to die than a car crash!"

And he did.

He slowed and then halted, and if by magic everything went quiet. The wind seemed to be sucked away for only a moment. "When you lose it, fear builds up in your chest and it feels like you can't breathe. The feeling that makes you want to puke or scream guts at you like you're about to obliterate until ash. But once you feel like you're on the edge of a cliff about to fall off, there's this small feeling of release builded up by taking risks that were caused to lose control. Control is just the type of danger you need and at times need to lose."

I sat there, hugging him trying to figure, trying to digest them and let them process. What was the point of a lesson I already knew? Control was something someone like me was denied and taken from. I had to fight and bleed just to be able to breathe.

I was scared of him. He could kill me and he was able to scare me. He was testing my fear and seeing if I would overcome it. So I eased back in my seat and took control, blocking the fear and letting it flow away. "I won't let go of you. Hold on."

I wasn't going to let go anyway. Does it look like I wanna fall on my ass?

I inhaled a shaky breath and steady myself for another go. And when the bike shot up again, I didn't hide. Come on, Elena. If he wanted you dead, he would have done it a while ago.

Or he's teasing us and waiting for the perfect moment to kill us?

Shut it, Elena 2

I'm just stating facts!

Ok, so my subconscious doesn't want to help me calm down. That's fine. Perfectly fine. I'm perfectly fine. I'm great.


He wouldn't let me go. He won't let me go.

The wind cut my face, and I closed them to keep them from watering. I tipped my head back, feeling the wind and my body move with his. He's holding you. He's helping you be free. Breathe. I wanted to stay all night because for the first time in forever I felt free. I wasn't trapped in the walls of my mother's torture. I wasn't judged or laughed at. I was free and I loved every second of it.

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