Chapter 29

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When you were fifteen, you would never expect to end up in a prison. When I turned fifteen, my first question of the day was how was I going to pay this month's rent. It took me a few hours to realize it was my birthday. I was lost in so much pain and responsibilities a teenage girl shouldn't have that I never remembered to focus on my birthday. I would do anything. Not cut a cake, no presents, no congratulations, no hugs. I lost that when I was ten and had to grow up too soon.

In a hideous orange jumpsuit, I stepped into the new cell where I was going to spend the rest of my days. I'm ordered to stand inside my new cell and face the cot. With my back to the officers, one of them unshackles my cuffs. The woman who I was sharing a cell with entered but I kept my head down until the cell slides in place with a click and a thud.

The woman had pale white skin and piercing blue eyes that were staring into my soul, examining me. Her red dark hair flew down her shoulders like blood dripping down the walls but her cold stare was the most interesting thing about her. How even her stare was filled with coldness.

"You're the girl who killed the mayor." Her Russian accent was rich and deep forming chills down my spine.

I didn't answer, listening to my Papi keeping my head down and learning the roots of this place to find a way to survive. Observe the area to find its weakness and find a way to escape.

She tilts her head to the side before she walks closer to me and I stood up straightening my back so she wouldn't see the shield of silence breaking. She reaches out and grabs a strand of my dark brown hair, examining me, wanting to see the fear building up but I won't allow her.

She twirls my dark brown hair around her finger and she blanks and stares into a curling smile. "My old cellmate was no fun. So boring like a snail. But you..." She steps closer to me and my fingers clenched into a fist, waiting. Her eyes traveled down to my hand causing a laugh to burst out of her lungs.

"You are interesting as you are pretty." She steps closer to me until I could feel her breasts pushing against mine. Air was fleeting my lungs as she smiled.

"Now explain to me how a little girl like you was able to kill that bastard." The way she spoke of him made me wonder what Robert was able to do to a woman like her and my mind went to the worst possibilities.

I didn't answer and she sighs, still playing with my hair. "I'm not going to hurt you, little girl. I'm the one who'll protect you against them." She pointed behind me making me turn my head to see four women in two different cells looking into ours.

They all had shining dark skin and they looked like siblings. Their curly dark black hair was in braids going down their scalps and there was one who you could just point out was the leader. Her hands gripped the bars on the cell as her eyes trailed down my body, smirking before she stuck her tongue out, dragging it up the bar.

The one next to her was red with jealousy as she drags her finger across her neck in a threat. I gulped immediately turning around to face my cellmate.

"They love to play with the newcomers." My cellmate says as she continues to play with my hair. "They can fuck off," I mutter and she laughs, backing away.

"I like you. I'm Nadia." She does a small curtsy before she waits for me to say my name and I was a little worried about giving it to her but let's face facts. I need some friends.

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