Chapter 3: The Favour

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Tony's POV

I couldn't believe it Gisele was alive, Dom used to tell me stories about her and how she died so it's hard to understand how she's alive. Also they're breaking into a military base. I couldn't stop thinking about it as I was driving so I called Frostee.

Frostee: Hey T, everything good?

Tony: Yeah, well sort of I need a favour.

Frostee's POV

I was surprised when T called but he sounded stressed and when he asked me for a favour I knew something bad was going on.

Frostee: Sure, what is it?

Tony: I need you to see where Gisele Yashar is being held.

Frostee: On it, why do you need to know anyway?

Tony: Dom is about to do something crazy, like my sort of crazy.

Frostee: That's real crazy, I'll try my best.

Tony: Thanks, I owe you one.

I hung up and in no time I found where she was being kept. I was about to call Tony when I got a text from him saying to meet him just outside town at sunset and I did with Cisco driving me of course.

Tony: Hey guys. Frostee did you get it?

Frostee: You know it. I also gave you the plan and weapons systems since they changed them.

Tony: Changed them?

Frostee: It's the same one where they kept the key car.

Cisco: You're not actually going to do this T, are you?

Tony: Not exactly I'm going to stop Dom from getting himself or his team killed.

Layla's POV

''It's weird without the guy's here to bug me and echo'' I thought, then I realized that Frostee and Cisco had been acting weird all day avoiding us and whispering. Then I saw them come in.

Layla: Where have yawl been off to?

Cisco: Uh, Nowhere.

Everyone could see that he was lying even Frostee looked at him disappointedly while he shook his head.

Layla: Are yawl gonna tell us what you hiding?

Echo: She has a point you guys are acting real weird.

Frostee: Fine for Cisco sake.

We all looked over at him, he was crawled into a ball while rocking himself side to side.

Layla: Well then?

Frostee: Tony wanted me to find out where a prisoner was being held.

Echo: Why would he need to know that?

Frostee: Because Dom is going to attack it and he doesn't want him or his team to get captured, hurt or worse.

Layla: Cisco, it's ok Frostee told us what happened.

Cisco: Oh, ok. So are we going to help Tony or what?

We sped off into the night hoping we would get there in time to help tony.

Tony POV

 I was checking the perimeter in my car when I heard motors coming from in the distance, I started to see a black 1970 Dodge charger it was Dom.

Dom's POV

We were approaching the target. I picked up the radio.

Dom: Ride or die.

All: Ride or die.

We were all more determined than ever especially Han.

Dom: Roman you're up.

Roman: Yeah babe, my time to shine. Woo!

Roman had shot the gate wide open with a missile.

Dom: Let's go. Han you ready?

Han: Ready

Han had started to drift in circles making sure they couldn't get a clear shot of us. We spread out to find Gisele.

Tej's POV

I was blocking the radios of all the officers and making sure no back up was coming in when I spotted a purple Ion Motors Thresher parked right outside.

Tej: Uh, Dom we got company but not sure what kind.

Dom: What are they in?

Tej: Purple Ion Motors Thresher.

Dom: Tony.

Roman: Who the hell is Tony?

Dom: My cousin.

Roman: What the hell is going on so now your cousin is after us to! Great just great!

Dom: It's nothing to worry about.

Tej: Well is 3 other cars heading this way going to be soothing to worry about cause that's what's happening.

Ramon: Let me guess friends of his. What the hell is it with your family trying to kill us? Huh?

Letty: It's fine.

Han: I found Gisele.

Ramon: Good we can finally get the hell out of here.

I chuckled. They were all leaving so I decided to get started on clearing a path for them that's when I saw a laser cannon on one of the towers waiting for them as soon as I was about to say abort a motorcycle with no driver went before them and took the hit.   

Roman: What the hell was that? Tej you better not be trying to blow me up.

Tej: I didn't shoot

Roman well you could have told us about it.

Tej: I was about to but then that motorbike saved you. By the way who was that?

Dom: Tony.

Letty: How did he know we were coming and how did he know about that laser canon?

Dom: I don't know but let's just be happy he did.

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