Chapter 15

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Amy's POV

I just arrived back at  the base. I parked my car and walked inside to find an angry Cleve and an unhappy Cyber glaring at me.

Cleve: Why on earth did you let him go!? You know what?

Amy: What?

I rolled my eyes.

Cleve: Get her!

Cyber: Stop! Tell us why you let him go?

Amy: I figured he would never turn his back on family so I thought to myself what if I could become part of that family he would trust me their secrets.

Cyber: And the torture of being betrayed by family would break a Toretto man. See this is why I like you. Good job!

Amy: Thanks, I'm going home.

Smirking I left and got in my car. When I got back to my apartment I turned on the lights to show a modern and luxurious living room. I belly flopped onto the coach and slept. By the time that I woke up it was almost 7 am so I quickly washed my teeth, did my hair, washed and got dressed. I drove over to the beach since I don't have to get to work till 11am for planning our next heist and it was only 7:10 am. It was a sunny day so I blended in with the crowd and entered their HQ.

Dom's POV

I was talking to Letty when a girl with tied up dark brown hair came in she was wearing a pair of light blue jeans and a turquoise short sleeve crop top. As she walked towards me I noticed a necklace with the cross on it.

Amy: Hey Dom. Where's Tony?

Letty: He's working on the car. Nice to see you again we missed you Amy

Amy: Thanks.

She nodded and walked towards Tony's car.

Tony's POV

I was fixing up my car to be faster. I go to grab a wrench from the toolbox to my left when someone hands me the wrench. It was Amy.

Tony: I thought you said you would tell us before coming?

Amy: Well this is me telling you I have a meeting about planning a heist at 11am. Anyway need a hand?

Tony: Two heads are better than one.

Amy: Who's the other head?

Tony: Ha ha very funny. Now have you got any idea's to speed this car up. 

Amy: You could install a larger diameter throttle body(Google's idea not mine)

Tony: Sure but where do we get one?

Amy: I have been driving since I was 12 do you not think I know where to get good parts?

Tony: Good point.

Amy: Get your car ready we leave in 5 minutes also you can find me in you contacts as turquoise girl.

Tony: How did you get my phone? You know what I'm not even gonna ask.

Amy: Good now get ready.

And with that she walked out and I started to get my car ready. Once I got my car ready I drove outside and saw Amy leaning on her car. 

Amy: Took you long enough now let's go.

We got in our cars and drove to what looked like a scrap yard there was a woman with dark brown hair, her skin was golden and was wearing all black waiting for us. Amy got out of her car and so did I.

Amy: Hey Melissa

Melissa: Hey Ame's who is that?

She asked gesturing to me

Amy: Old friend even older than you. Anyway you got it?

Melissa: Ame's come on you know me.

Amy: Yeah and I got a little bit more cheddar if you can keep in on the down low.

Melissa: Anything for my best client

Melissa went into a small cabin on the far side of the scrap yard and Amy went to the trunk of her car. I followed Amy and then she hit me with a duffle bag.

Amy: Hold it will you.

When a Melissa returned with the part Amy threw the duffle bag she had to Melissa's feet and gestured for me to do the same so did. Melissa checked the money was all there before handing Amy the car part. She tossed it to me where I inspected it a little and it was good quality. We got in our cars and drove to the base. When we got to the beach we walked inside the base.

Tony: Thanks

Amy: No problem. I better get going.

Tony: Why? I thought you said you had to meet Cyber and the devil at 11 it's only 8:30

Amy: I have arrans to run

Tony: And the real reason is? 

She sighed in defeat.

Amy:  I have training

Tony: Cool can I come I need to work on my fighting

Amy: Fine but we both go in my car.

To be continued

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