Chapter 16

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Tony's POV

We got in her car and started driving toward the local gym then Amy got a call and she pulled over. We both got out of the car and she finally answered her phone.

Amy: You've got to be kidding me!

She hung up the phone.

Tony: What happened?

Amy: Personal issue. We need to make a detour

We got in her car and she drove to an abandoned building on the outskirts of town.

Amy: Stay here and don't interfere this stuff is out of you league.

I gave her a look but nodded anyway. She got out. Ten minutes later I heard gun shots go off and a couple of people scream. I saw her returning with a red headed women, a man with dirty blonde hair and a 14 year-old boy and they all got into the back seat of the car.

Tony: Who are they?

The red head: My name is Natalia.

The dirty blonde: My name is Clint and this is Jake.

(If any of you are Marvel Fans then you get why I am obsessed with it and why I had to add Nat and Clint to this)

Jake: Hi!

Tony: Hi. I'm Tony by the way.

Nat's POV

I purposely told this 'Tony' my fake name even if Amy trusted him I didn't. Clint on the other hand was not a superstitious as I am.

Clint: Well that was fun

Amy: Yeah, Tony is it okay if we take them to the base?

Tony: You trust them?

Amy: With my life anyway they can get us a lot more resources and you need all the man power you can get.

Tony: Fine

Nat: Who are we up against?

Amy: Cyber

Clint: Oh great we need to deal with that psychopath agian

I snickered at his sarcastic remark.

Tony: You dealt with her before.

Nat: Yeah, she killed half of our attack team.

To be continued

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