Chapter 7: The helicopter

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Sorry that the update is late so I am going to upload 2 chapters. Hope you enjoy! Also if you have any ideas tell me I am always open to new opinions.

Tony's POV

I had kissed Layla Gray, I can't believe I built up the courage to do that is what I was thinking as I was going to answer the door. I opened the door and saw Shashi.

Tony: I was just getting ready to go and pick you up. What's up?

Shashi: My place was hit.

He took a pause after he said that to catch his breathe.

Shashi: And I think they are going to strike this house next.

All of a sudden I heard a helicopter then it started hovering near the house analysing it.

Tony: Go to the back yard to get Layla then get in my car. I'm going upstairs to wake everybody.

I ran up the stairs and started shouting

Tony: Everyone wake up!!

Everyone one jumped up in shock except for Cisco he moved like a sloth.

Dom: What's wrong?

Tony: There is a helicopter right outside and Cyber and Cleve hit Shashi's place.

Tego: Mamma mia!

Santos: Why you talking Italian?

Gisele and Echo: Oh boy.

Letty: We don't have time for this we got to go and get to our cars.

Mia: Where is Layla?

Tony: She is with Shashi. Lets go!

We went down stairs. And got in my car Layla was sitting in the passenger sea and Shashi in the back.

Layla: What are you waiting for hit it!

We drove of everyone split up so they could only follow one of us. When I looked in the mirror the helicopter was following us.

Tony: Aw lugnuts!!!

Layla: What is it now Tony?

Me and Shashi were shocked and our faces had a ''Whaattt!'' look as we heard what she said.

Shashi: Layla, are you ok?

She gave him a glare and he backed off immediately.

Tony: Helicopter, and did you just call me Tony?

I could see her cheeks turning bright red from the corner of my eye.

Layla: What no, keep your eyes on the road Toretto.

Tony: Ok, just asking.

I was doing everything I could to get this helicopter of my tail but it was persistent. Then I heard a familiar voice and I saw a man locking in on us with a missile.

???: Come back here now Toretto!!!

Tony: Cleve Kelso.

I quickly went in the direction of an alley.

Tony: On my count jump out the car.

Shashi: Are you crazy?!

We just entered the alley.

Tony: Now!!

We all jumped out the car and a second later the car had been blown up by Cleve's missile. We all were panting then we hide in the alley (it was filled with graffiti and trash that also smelled like rotten fish and cat hair) so the helicopter wouldn't see us as it passed by.

Tony: Everybody Ok?

Layla: Yeah, but this is more serious than we thought.

Shashi: She's right we have to be on guard.

Tony: Well I am pretty sure we just faked our own deaths so that should give us some time. But what about-

Layla: -the others?

Tony: Why do you always have to do that?

I took a step closer to as I said that with a chuckle.

Layla: Look we have to find the others and-

Tony: - find a place to be our base of operations.

Layla: And you tell me that I do it you.

She had a smile on her face when she said that and she took a step forward too. We were now nose to nose well almost I was a bit taller than her.

Shashi: Let's find somewhere safe before you get to comfortable

Layla's cheeks went red mine just went a light pink but I was fighting not to blush.

Tony: Right, I think I know a place it is at the beach and is totally hidden from view.

Layla: Ok, we'll go there first to check the place and then find the others

She walked in the direction of the beach me and Shashi followed. When we arrived it was crowded so we could blend in easily I took the lead and lend us to a wall I earned a few confused looks from Shashi and some glares from Layla until I pressed 3 brick back and it opened. We entered and the door then shut behind us.

Shashi: Where are we?

Layla: Under the city I think

We then entered a large room with someone waiting for us.

To be continued...

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