Chapter 17

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(Just to let you nnow the main theme is still based around fast and furious I just wanted to try out a crossover since I live marvel so much. Anyway sorry for not updating andbthat it is short. I had lost interest for a while but I have regained intrest and I hope to update soon.)
Tony's POV

We were driving back to the base and I could hear Clint and Natalia whispering in the back. I tried to make out what they were saying but I could only here a few words here and there.

Clint: Sh-......-usts ........ s- ........ ould ........ -oo

Nat: -on't..... li-..... tha-

I finally gave up after like 10 seconds because they realised I was listening to them and they changed to a different language. Soon We arrived at the base and when everyone entered we got a couple weird looks and a few exasperated sighs.

Roman: Oh you gotta be kidding me. MORE Randos!

In a matter of seconds both Natalia and Clint had a knife to his throat and everyone in the room froze.

Roman: Okay, okay .... sorry

 They let him go and looked at each other as if they were having a conversation without speaking then nodded and turned back to us.

Clint: I'm Clint this is...... Natasha

I give her a weird look and she in turn gives me a death glare.

Natasha: I didn't know if we could trust you yet but I see you are part of the government program that Ms.Nowhere is a part of.

Frostee: You know Ms.Nowhere?!

Dom: So will you help us take down Cyber?

Clint: Damn right we will. She tried to kill us-

Natasha: And she is a target for S.H.E.I.L.D 

Tony: Who?

Clint: Nevermind that, for now the only thing we need to worry about is taking Cyber down we have the resources needed to help you guys out.

Everyone just nodded then started to gather round the table discuss a plan of action. We had been talking for about 10 minutes sharing all the information we had on her, when Amy's phone started to ring so she excused herself to go and answered it.  She was back soon and in a bad mood, we all found out why 15 minutes layer when Deckard Shaw burst through the door.

Deckard: Miss me?

Amy punched him in the face.

Deckard: I'll take that as a no.

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