Chapter 10

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Sorry this is so short I'm at school at the moment. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter more are on the way.


Echo's POV


I just got out my phone to call Tony when I hear Cleve Kelso's voice.

Cleve: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

I turned around and saw two guards next to the devil

Echo: And why would I do that you snake!

Cleve smirked

Cleve: Actually I prefer dragon. Take her away boys . We got some talking to do.

Cleve walked away his body guards then grabbed me and put my head in a sack. I couldn't see a thing but they guided me to a room. Cleve took off the sack on my head and I saw his old horrible face.

Echo: What do you want old man?!

His face went red with anger I guess he didn't like being called old.

Cleve: Don' give me that sass little girl! I want you to call your friends and tell them I'm here and that you'll cause a distraction. Got it!?

I rolled my eye and called Tony and Layla but I needed to warn them somehow and I think I have the perfect plan.

End Flashback

Layla's POV

Toretto might be onto something it wasn't like Echo to act like this. All of a sudden the lights went out and spotlight pointed to Cyber and the devil himself Cleve Kelso . . . and also no way Echo!

Tony: We have to get out of here now

To be continued.

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