Chapter 9:

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Sorry it has been so long have been busy with school but I will try an publish more often. Hope you enjoy!

Echo's POV


I was on patrol and I decided to check on Tony and Layla. When I looked through a window I saw them kissing! 'Finally' I thought to myself. All of a sudden I heard a familiar voice behind me Cleve Kelso so I got out my phone to all Tony.

------End Flashback------

Tony's POV

Layla and I started to make our way to the exit. When we got there two body guards stood at the door. They were unflinching like stone statues.

Guard 1: We got a problem here?

Guard 2: Cause we don't like problems.

We both bake away slowly. I called Echo.

Echo: You out of there yet?

Tony: No, guards are at all the doors.

I turned on the volume so we could both hear Echo. Then Layla snatched the phone right out of my hand.

Layla: Echo you need to find a way to get us outta here. Now!

Echo: Ok, I'll create a distraction. Don't go all soft on with T around.

Layla handed me the phone furiously.

Tony: We will be ready to go when you create the distraction.

Echo: Cool, by the way don't get to comfy T. Ha-ha!

She hung up on me or as Gary would say 'disconnected'. I walked over to Layla who was still furious with Echo.

Tony: Hey, Layla you Ok?

Layla gave me a death glare.

Layla: No I am not ok Cleve Kelso is here, Echo is being annoying and I'm scared Toretto!

As she silently screamed those words she ran of to the bathroom crying. I couldn't go after her because it was the ladies bathroom so I waited outside.

Layla's POV

I ran to the bathroom a river of tears rolled down my cheeks. I was scared out of my mind. I locked myself in a stall I hate showing my feelings to people I usually only show them to my Labrador . I don't know why but I always comfortable sharing my feelings with Toretto sure he is immature but he was always there for me ( Well, when we were on the same team). I washed my face along with that dreadful make up. I walked out and saw Toretto leaning on a wall humming a beautiful tune.

Layla: Hey Toretto sorry 'bout that should we try and escape this place or what?

Tony just smiled at me and we walked back together.

Tony: Sorry about Echo she's not usually like that at all.

Layla: What are you sorry for you didn't tell her to act like that.

Tony: You're right I didn't... But someone did!

Layla: What are you talking 'bout Toretto?

Tony: Echo would never act like that. I think she got caught or something like that.

Layla: You have a point but are you sure Tony?

Tony: Did you just call me Tony?!

Layla: What no, no, no way!

Tony: Ok no need to get defensive. Look I'll call her again to be sure.

------------------------------------------------------To be continued ----------------------------------------------------

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