Chapter 13

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Amy's POV

I was so overwhelmed  the amount of emotions I just couldn't take it I broke down. I backed up against the wall and started crying. Tony hugged me and Layla came up behind him and hugged him. I heard Ms. Nowhere mumbling something on her phone. I got up.

Amy: Thanks I'm fine I just got overwhelmed. I haven't felt this much emotion at the same time since we were kids. Usually it is just determination.

I walked up to Ms Nowhere and grabbed her phone right out of her hand. 

Ms. Nowhere: What are you doing Amy Shaw?!

Amy: Amy is just fine Nowhere. 

I looked at the phone she was about to send recorded voicemail so I deleted it instead.

Amy: I am not the enemy here you're the one who killed my parents. 

Ms. Nowhere: I was doing my job.

Amy: The job assigned to you by a unknown voice. Do you even know who the director really is?

Ms. Nowhere: That is need to know how do you know about him?

Amy: You mean how do I know about Mr. Nobody that faked his own death in a plane crash. Yeah, he made a deal with me to help him in turn he would keep me out of prison. 

Ms. Nowhere: The director doesn't take bribes from criminals.

Amy: I never bribed him he came to me for help.

She smirked

Ms. Nowhere: Well you never denied being a criminal. 

Amy: I didn't deny it because I am a criminal and I have done some thing in my life that most would find wrong but even I have a line.

Ms. Nowhere: And what would that line be exactly.

Amy: Family.

She walked away infuriated. 

Amy: I have to go before Cyber gets more infuriated so here's the plan I am going to tell Cyber I let you go to get on your good side so she doesn't suspect something is going on I will meet up with you when I can and give you information about her plans. All you need to do is keep Ms. Nowhere from calling the agency on me. Ps, I might need to beat one of you up in the battle field.

And with that I walked off to my car to go back to Cyber.

Dom's POV

My team and I were staking out all of Cleve Kelso's known properties we all split up in teams to cover them all Gisele and Han, Letty and I, Roman, Tej and Ramsey, Santos and Tego and Mia, Frostee and Cisco. I took out my phone and called all of them. 

Dom: Any news?

Han: Nothing over here.

Roman: Yeah same here man Where the hell is this guy at we have been waiting for the last hour.

Tego: Yeah he must be scared.

Santos: How he don't even know we're here?!

Cisco: Santos has a point.

Ramsey: So none of us have eyes on him and it has been a hour.

Tej: He must have known we would come. We need to get back to the base and come up with another plan and see if the others have returned. Agreed?

All: Agreed.

We all hung up I got in my car with Letty and started driving toward the beach. When we got there and I saw a light turquois McLaren 720S driving away I quickly parked the car and ran inside the base Letty and I were the first to arrive from my team. 

Dom: Mind telling me what a McLaren was doing here?

Tony: It is Amy's she works for Cyber now but is willing to help us bring her down.

I nodded slightly.

Dom: She still have that necklace I gave her?

Tony: She was wearing it.

Letty: What happened to those two?

She pointed towards Gary and Julius who had just put ice packs on their heads.

Tony: Also Amy they tried to fight her.

We both nodded understanding she was the best fighter in her school when she lived in L.A. Tony then walked away in the direction of Layla.

Layla's POV

I saw Tony walking towards me. He sat own next to me on the couch. I was so confused about what I was feeling I felt sorry for Amy, I felt scared she would take Tony from me, I felt something more for Tony and I couldn't tell if he felt the same so I felt enraged.

Tony: You ok?

I looked into his eyes.

Layla: No. I-I just feel-

Tony: It's ok I won't make fun of you if you tell me.

Layla: I think I am in love with you.

He looked dumbstruck. 'Oh no what have I done I shouldn't have told him'.

Tony: I feel the same way.

All of a sudden it seemed as every worry in my head just disappeared. We hugged and then shared a short kiss. By this time everyone was looking at us including Dom's that had just returned

To be continued

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