Chapter 11

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Sorry it is so short I am pretty busy but I will publish chapters more often.

Echo's POV

I am in the spot light I tried to pull away and fight but the people who are holding me are really strong. I spot Tony and Layla in the crowd and Tony being the dummy he is did this.

Tony: Let her go! 

He said walking towards me

Cleve: And why would I do that?

'That snake' I thought. I knew Tony was gonna do something stupid.

Tony: Because . . . if you let her go you can have me.

Tony was surprisingly calm.

Cleve: And what would stop me from you know?

Tony quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a . . .  GUN?! He aimed it at Cleve Kelso before anyone could react with more than a gasp.

Tony: Because if you don't I shoot you.

Cleve: Fine. Let goo of the girl.

Tony started to walk slowly over to me still pointing the gun at Cleve Kelso.

Tony: Run with Layla get out while you can. I'll create a distraction.

Before I knew it I was running towards Layla. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to go to the exit.

Tony's POV

I fire my gun at the chandler to cause a distraction. I couldn't lose Layla or Echo so this was the only way to get them back safely.

Cleve: GET HIM NOW!!!

Tony: Why don't you come and get me chicken.

That's when Cleve snapped. He grabbed a machete and chased me. When I saw Layla and Echo ha gotten away I stopped and surrendered.

Layla's POV

Layla: Why? Why, did you let him stay there?

I was crying. 'This is why I hate families' I thought as Echo an I were in her car. I was trying to convince myself our kiss never happened.

Echo: I couldn't stop him I'm sorry Layla.

Tony's POV

Cleve's men had taken me to a dark room. I was handcuffed to a chair. All of a sudden Cleve walked in.

Cleve: I've got someone I want you to meet or reunite with.

He smirked. A young woman with long, wavy dark brown hair and fair skin with freckles on her cheek. She way wearing a pair of black skinny fit jeans. She was wearing a light turquoise crop top and a necklace with a cross that looked similar to Dom's.

Tony: Amy?!

To be continued

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