Chapter 4: How?

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Layla's POV

We were heading to the military base when I saw a bunch of cars heading back to the city.

Layla: Who are they?

Echo: Must be Dom and his team?

We started to head back since it seemed the mission was already over. And I just got a call from Toretto.

Layla: Hey Toretto.

Tony: Hey Layla, why did you guys try following to the military base?

Layla: I don't know what you're talking about.

Tony: Look in your mirror, it might jog your memory.

I looked in my mirror. Toretto had one eyebrow raised with a ''what about now'' look on his face.

Layla: Fine. We were going to try and help you but then we saw that Dom's team were already leaving.

Tony: Thanks for telling me but I wish you hadn't followed me.

Now Toretto was now driving right besides me

Tony: I got to go. See ya

He sped off into the night

Tony's POV

I entered the city and started to head home when I got a text from Dom.

Dom: Tony meet me at my house. We need to talk.

Tony: On my way.

Dom's POV

I met Tony at the door and we went inside to the dinning room

Roman: Well look who it is. Why the hell is he here? He did follow us.

I gave Roman a glare but it seemed like Tony had learned to fight his own battles.

Tony: It seems to me that if I hadn't followed you all would have been toast.

Gisele: He's right.

Han: Save your strength. You need to rest.

Gisele: I'm just tired, that's all.

Roman: Am I the only one still wondering how it is that you are alive?

When Roman said that everybody in the room glared at him.

Gisele's POV

Well it all started when...


Gisele: What is going on?

I could hear beeping that's when I saw a women next to me.

The women: Good your awake. I am doctor Debone but you can call me Susan.

Gisele: Where am I?

Susan: You're at a St Nicholas Hospital. Tell do you remember anything before the plane crash?

Gisele: Um, plane crash oh, yeah I remember fighting s-some guy with H-han and then I remember j-jumping but after that nothing

Susan: Ok, well then everything seems to be healing ok as well.

Gisele How long have I been asleep?

Susan: Around two months now.

I couldn't believe it the others must think that I'm dead.

One month later

I was getting discharged from the Hospital today

Gisele: Goodbye everyone and thank you.

End of Flashback

Gisele: I went to the airport and had a little fun on the way I was catching a flight to Tokyo. When I got off the plane I kept hidden as I was looking for Han until one day when I was reading the paper and I saw that he died. After that I had no reason to stay in Tokyo so I travelled the world I saw magical places but everywhere I went I was found it could have been by the police or some criminals or even both but it didn't matter because I had to run one way or the other. Then Mr. Nobody tracked me down and offered a job working for him again I declined until he mentioned you.

I looked at Han.

Gisele: That's when I confronted him he told me everything. I ran for a while after that but then 3 days ago some cops got the jump on me.

I looked at Dom and the kid that was next to him.

Gisele: Something big is going down tomorrow I heard them talking about it apparently it's between Cyber and some guy named Cleve Kelso.

Tej: Ok we beat Cyber before we can do it again...

Ramsey: But if she's paired up with someone new we might not be so lucky.

Tony: Actually I might be able to help me and my team have dealt with Cleve Kelso before I know him and how he thinks.

Letty: Welcome to the team Tony.

Roman: He can just come up in here and join us without having to the any of the crazy as hell stuff that we did.

Tony: Why don't we settle this on the road.

Roman: Oh you're on!

To be continued...

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