Chapter 14

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Shashi's POV

It has been pretty boring today I had to stay at the clubhouse because both Cleve and Cyber know what I look like. I have been filling the time with thinking of plans to defeat them so I have been in one of the bedrooms. But I just heard a bunch of commotion outside and people cheering. I walked out of the room and when I emerged out of the corridor I saw everyone around Layla and Tony. Layla was blushing like crazy and Tony was rubbing the back of is neck.

Shashi: What happened here?

Frostee: Layla and Tony just kissed!

Shashi: Finally!

Ms. Nowhere, Gary and Julius came up behind me. 

Gary: Young love how beautiful

Julius: So true so true.

Ms. Nowhere: Good for you two.

We all stared at Ms. Nowhere

Ms. Nowhere: Even I love love.

Echo: Ok who are you and what did you with the real Ms. Nowhere?

Ms. Nowhere: Very funny Echo.

Tony: Have you changed your mind about Amy?

Ms. Nowhere: Does it really matter if I didn't?

Tony: Nope

Shashi: Wait! Amy Shaw?!

Layla: Yeah why?

Shashi: Before you joined Shifter Mia used to work for me she was the best driver I had ever seen she moved up the ladder pretty quick and I let her into my inner circle then she betrayed me stole about 1 million dollars from me after that she was a ghost.

Dom: She is a Shaw?

Ms. Nowhere: You didn't know?

Letty: No, she never told us her last name.

Dom: I better call Deckard Shaw.

He dialled the number and put it on loud speaker.

Deckard: Hello

Dom: Hey I was wondering if you could give us a hand again you in?

Deckard: Who we after?

Dom: Cyber and Cleve Kelso.

Deckard: And what's in it for me?

Dom: Cyber is going after everyone that ever wronged her that includes you.

Deckard: So I can handle myself I am the one who saved your son after all.

Dom: And I thank you for that he is safe and sound at Letty's mother's but -

Tony: But this is the Toretto family's chance to pay you back by reuniting you with Amy Shaw.

Deckard: What are you talking 'bout she died in that car crash when a lunatic driver ran into them, anyway who are you?

Tony: I'm Tony, Dom's cousin and she is alive and working for Cyber but she wants to help us bring her down.

Deckard: I'll come but you better not be lying.

He then hung up.

Cisco: My mind can't take anymore surprises

Tony: What? We got him to come and you'll be out of his debt.

Han: He ain't wrong.

Roman: Ok what is our plan then wait around here until Amy contacts us?

Gisele: It seems like the best option.

Dom: Tej, Ramsey stay on those security cameras everyone else with a car prepare them it is still night we can bring them in and the rest of you prepare weapons.

Tony's POV

I went to go get my car and brought it in. I started working on tune ups but after around 3hrs I decided to turn in for the night or morning since it was 2 am and everyone had all ready slept except for Layla and I. I walked over to Layla to wish her a goodnight.

Tony: Hey

Layla: Hey

Tony: Just wanted to wish you a goodnight.

Layla: I was about to turn in too.

She put all her tools away and we walked to the corridor where the rooms are together because our rooms were next to each other

Tony: Goodnight

Layla: Good night

We walked into our rooms and slept

To be continued

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