Chapter 8: Ballroom Dancing

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Tony's POV

We walked into a room underground. I saw Ms. Nowhere standing next to Palindrome, Gary and Julius with back up standing behind them. As me, Layla and Shashi walked forward I spotted Dom and his team captured alongside Echo, Cisco and Frostee who had been detained.

Ms. Nowhere: Care to explain why I found your cousin's house being blown up into scorched little pieces?!

Tony: Cleve Kelso and Cyber are out for revenge.

I said as I walked over to the others.

Ms. Nowhere: take the cuffs off them.

We all sat down to start thinking of a plan to stop them Ramsey then hopped out her sea and ran to her Laptop.

Tej: What are you thinking?

Ramsey: I was looking through the dark web and came across a party going down.

Roman: What has a party got to do with anything?!

Ramsey: Ah ha, it is being hosted tonight by this woman also known as Cyber.

She turned the computer around and showed a picture of Cyber.

Julius: So we could infiltrate it.

Ms. Nowhere: No use she probably already knows what everyone here looks like.

Tony: I wouldn't be too sure they were bickering a lot on the phone when they called me.

Palindrome: Ok then.

Ramsey: Just one thing it is a ballroom dance so we need a couple and I don't think there are any on your team.

We all l started thinking again.

Shashi: What if we did the people with the most chemistry?

Ms: Nowhere: That isn't such a bad idea. Tony, Layla you're up.

We both looked shocked and confused.

Tayla (Tony and Layla): Whattttt??!!!

Ms. Nowhere: You two have the most chemistry on the team. And I don't want to hear anything else about it now go get dressed I think there is a tux and dress in the closet.

Me and Layla were both displeased to say the least. Then Gary came up to us with a tux and red dress.

Time skip to 1 hour before the party.

I got dressed when I got back Ms. Nowhere went over the plan again. I then spotted Layla with her hair down with the dye washed out in a beautiful red dress that fit her perfectly.

Cisco: Wow I have never seen you without you hair dyed.

Layla didn't say anything

Dom: Good luck.

Letty: See you soon.

We left and got in the car. We sat in silence until Layla broke it.

Layla: You're not that bad a guitar you know.

Tony: Thanks.

I pulled up to the place and we were greeted by a retina scanner. I hope that Ramsey has hacked into the security system.

Guard: You know the drill.

We passed the scanner and entered the mansion. I looked back to check my car was locked.

Layla: What do we do know Ms. Nowhere said to blend in until 11 which is a hour away.

Slow dance music started to play and everyone went to the dance floor.

Tony: There's your answer

I said with a smirk. We started to dance, surprisingly Layla was nervous at first so I took the lead.

Layla's POV

Layla: Can I ask you something?

Tony: Sure, anything.

I took a deep breath and asked.

Layla: Why did you kiss me?

Tony stared into the space in shock as he twirled me.

Tony: Ok, look I like you and I couldn't hold my feeling back any longer and-

I cut Tony of with a kiss. Then the music stopped and we broke apart and walked over to the drink table.

Tony: You really meant that didn't you.

Layla: What do you think Toretto? Of course I meant it.

We both chuckled. Then Tony's phone rang he put it loud in of for both of us could hear it.

Tony: Hello?

Echo: Get out of there now Cleve Kelso is here. Also it took you two long enough to kiss!

To be continued...

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