Chapter 12: Amy

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Tony's POV

Cleve smirked. A young woman with long, wavy dark brown hair and fair skin with freckles on her cheeks walked in. She way wearing a pair of black skinny fit jeans. She was wearing a light turquoise crop top and a necklace with a cross that looked similar to Dom's.

Tony: Amy!

Amy: Miss me Tony?

Amy and I had been friends when we were little everyone in the gang had missed her when she left town. I couldn't believe it nobody had seen or hear from her since we were seven. I remember that just before she left Dom gave her that necklace. She used to be so sweet and kind unless you started a fight with her she was an even better fighter than Echo.

Tony: You don't understand this man is is a dangerous criminal you have to run.

Amy just chuckled

Amy: You don't think I know that, after all I work for him and Cyber.

Tony: What!? No! How?

Amy turned around and looked at Cleve with a glare.

Amy: Give me a minute.

Cleve: No! I will do this my way!

Amy: I wasn't asking and look where your plan got us we could have captured three of them and now we're stuck with one.

She seemed like she meant business not shouting but being firm

Cleve: Don't be long.

Cleve left the room with his body guards I'm assuming he knows she can fight.

Amy: I have been working for Cyber since my parents died a year after we left LA. She came to me with a good opportunity so I took it. Cyber and I were the only ones not to get arrested after the satellite incident which your cousins team ruined as usual. Then we found out that Cleve's hatred to you returned since you destroyed his new business so we could work together to carry our operations without having to deal with you ruining them.

I was shocked Amy was a bad guy. Then she pointed under the chair knowing Cleve couldn't see her I looked under their was a note that said 'follow my lead'. I gave her a confused look. Cleve barged in with his bodyguards.

Cleve: Ok that is it you two have had enough time to talk.

Amy: I'll take him to his cell.

She undone my handcuffs. Then she turns around an roundhouse kicked Cleve in the face. She then punched a guard in the stomach and literally threw him across the room onto the other body guards and these people looked like Gary and Julius.

Amy: You just gonna sit on that chair or help me?

I smirked at her with gratitude. I then spotted a gun at her side.

Tony: Why didn't you just shoot them?

She helped me up

Amy: It would have made to much noise besides it's fun. Ok I'm gonna act like I'm taking you to your cell and then I will go out the back door to my car cause they crushed your car and if you dare say lug nuts I'll tape your mouth shut.

Tony: Understud.

We got to her car which was a light turquois McLaren 720S. I gave her a confused look.

Amy: What? It's my colour Ok.

She drove to the beach since I told her where to go. When we arrived we got out of the car and walked into to the new 'clubhouse'.

Tony: Hey guys!

Layla ran over to me and hugged me so tight that at a point I couldn't breathe.

Tony: What got into you?

Layla quickly went red.

Layla: Who is this?

She gestured to Amy.

Amy: Hi I'm Amy I don't think you know me but I was close with your friends when we were little.

Echo: Wait Amy you're back I missed you girl

Amy: Me too

Ms. Nowhere walked into the room.

Ms: Nowhere: Amy Shaw?! Gary, Julius get her.

Amy being Amy beat them up before they could move.

Amy: There is more where that came from. And Tony Toretto I would recommend not lying to me again.

Tony: What do you mean?

Amy: Don't play dumb with me you obviously led me here to arrest me and get the prize from your agency.

Tony: Amy I promise you I don't know.

Amy: So you don't know about my red notice. How stupid do you think I am?!

Ms. Nowhere: There is a prize I just wanted the pride! Your scum type are all the same trust someone and get betrayed so pathetic. You act all tuff and complicated when you are really simple and weak.

We all glared at Ms. Nowhere. As Gary and Julius regained their strength. I looked back at Amy who looked like she was fighting back tears she backed up into a wall. I went up to her and hugged her she didn't resist just let herself cry.

Tony: I would never betray family.

Layla hugged me from behind.

Layla: I don't know you that well Amy but I can relate to you. Don't worry you are safe here.

Everyone except Nowhere hugged her. Ms. Nowhere was busy talking to the agency about Amy!

To be continued

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