Chapter 5: He is alive

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Tony's POV

I just challenged Roman Pearce to a street race to be honest I am kind of excited to race a part of Dom's team it sort of reminds me of racing Layla but I think this will be easier to win.

Roman: You ready kid it's time for you go to school.

Tony: I know after all I am the teacher

Roman just glared at me but I didn't care. We drove our cars to the starting line where we were greeted by a woman.

Roman: Like the show?

When he said that I assumed it was one of Roman's girlfriend that he was trying to distract me but it didn't work after all I only had eyes for one person.

Tony: Are we here to race or talk?

The woman shouted are you ready and we both roared our engine. Then the women raised a flag and quickly lowered it which was the signal for go in racing.

Roman: Try and keep up!

Time skip to the last quarter mile

I was neck and neck with Roman I could feel him staring at me and that's when he lit up his nitrogen gas and sped so fast that he couldn't see the tight turn in front of him and crashed.

Tony: See you later!

I always finish a race even if I'm alone in it. All of a sudden someone rams into me I look to the side and see Shashi driving.

Shashi: Mind if I join.

I was in awe for second, I mean wouldn't you be he was supposedly dead.

Tony: You're on.

I smirked. We were approaching the finish line me and Shashi were neck and neck then Shashi turns on his nitrogen gas and speeds away.

Tony: Too soon.

I then turn on my nitrogen gas and I speed ahead of Shashi and cross the finish line. I get of my car.

Dom: Welcome to the team.

Tej: That don' look like Roman's car.

Tony: Oh yeah, Roman crashed out.

Then Shashi got out of his car.

Tony: And this is Shashi.

Shashi: Nice to meet you all.

Then we see Roman in a taxi.

Roman: Who won?

Letty: Who do you think? Tony!

Dom: Shashi how would you like to join too?

Shashi: Sure I'm in.

We all drive home Roman took Shashi's car so he is driving with me.

Tony: If you don't mind me asking how did you end up back in LA?

Shashi: Well I was at sea for a for a while then I washed up on an Island apparently in was a big stop for trading ships so I snuck on board one and it was going to LA and then I stole a car from some rich family and then I heard about the race and now here we are. Any what's up with you still a spy?

Tony: Nothing much I quit spying about a week and a half ago.

Shashi: Wow, how about you and Layla?

I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Tony: What about her?

Shashi rolled his eyes and put a 'are you kidding me' look on his face.

Shashi: It's obvious you like her. You have to make the first move because she doesn't like to talk about her feelings a lot or show them at all.

Tony: You're right, can I ask how you know everything about Layla but you aren't a couple?

Shashi: A couple of years back I did like her I told her but she didn't like me back but I see how she is with you she likes you now it's your choice what you do now.

Tony: Thanks Shashi, this is the place right?

Shashi: Yeah, thanks for dropping me of see you tomorrow 8am.

I was driving home and I couldn't stop thinking what Shashi said. Then I got a call.

Tony: Hello.

A woman: Hello Tony, you don't know me-

Cleve Kelso: But you do know me and I am going to make you pay for what you did to me. Starting with making your friends blow up. Hahahahahaha! Goodnight.

He hung up on me. I raced to the clubhouse hoping I would make it in time.

To be continued...

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