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A Week Later

I'm supposed to be returning to the city tomorrow but my parents decided to throw me a last minute party. Yes it is my birthday but I didn't want to do anything. Nothing too big but I know they'll be inviting their friends and business partners.

I decided to invite a few of my friends, didn't have that many anyway. Just those from work and others I met.

I'm just a workaholic and the only time I would go out is when my colleagues invite me out. I take myself out sometimes but that's really all.

"No one can ever turn down free food and alcohol, most of the people are able to make it," my mom said as she and the planner discussed the preparations.

"Anyone you want to invite?" They asked me.

I looked up from my phone. "I called them after you told me about the party this morning. Figured it would give them enough time to cancel whatever plans they had, that's if they weren't important," I replied.

My mom nodded. "Well I invited Kamari and her parents. Your father has gone to meet with her mother, don't know why. Kamari's mother says she's excited to see you."

I just shrugged. I'm mad that she left without offering an explanation but now she's coming back and she didn't bother telling her best friend.

I stood up to leave.

"Going to take a nap?" My mom asked me.

"Yeah. I'll set an alarm for one, to give me time to prepare," I replied.

She nodded and I left the area.


I checked myself out in the mirror. I had on a simple outfit, nothing flashy, and some jewellery. Can't forget the many rings.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and exited the bedroom. I could hear the music as I walked towards the backyard. I wonder who they got to DJ.

I pushed open the door and there were people chatting it up. I'm glad the attention isn't on me. My friends saw me first and I walked over to them.

"There's the birthday girl," my friend/assistant Adonis said to me as I approached.

This man came dressed to the nines and I didn't expect anything less.

"Why are you so dressed up? It's not like it's anything extravagant," I asked after hugging everyone.

"I don't know what you expected. You know he doesn't miss the chance to dress up," his sister and my friend said.

"Now why didn't you tell us your father is this fine? Wouldn't mind being the other woman," she said and they agreed.

I laughed. "Y'all have seen pictures of the man."

"Please, the pictures do him mo justice," Adonis said.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's stop talking about my father okay. It's weird," I pretended to gag.

They chuckled and began to tell me what has been happening at work. One thing I know about them is that they know everything and anything about everyone at work. They always have the gossip.


"Nooo," I said out of shock.

"Girl yes. His receptionist is pregnant and you know them white people will try to hide it," he replied.

I knew something was happening between them but I couldn't figure out. I'll definitely be holding this over his head the next time he decides to come at me sideways.

"Can I get everybody's attention," I heard my dad call out.

"Today we're celebrating my baby's birthday. She's turning 32. What glorious years she has given us," I rolled my eyes with a smile. I'm really getting old.

"And she recently got promoted," my mom added and people clapped their hands. I went to stand with them.

My dad put his arm around my shoulders. "We are proud of you kiddo. Your mom and I know that you don't like it when we buy you gifts but we just had to," he said and handed me a set of keys.

Of course. Last time they got me a car, I don't drive it that much.

"We got you a house. It's only right that we get you your first house, you can move in whenever you want to," my mom said.

I hate handouts. I hugged them and said thank you. I'll open the rest of the gifts later.

The chef informed us that the food is ready and everybody moved to the tables. I'm just glad that there aren't that many people. So she didn't have to prepare much.

For the rest of the evening everybody had fun but I was just more than ready to turn it for the night. My social battery was running out. It'd be rude to just leave though, so I decided to stay for an hour or so.

"I'm telling you girl, he can be my sugar daddy. I'd bottom for him any day," Adonis said.

"I thought you hated him for cheating on Bey?" Zuzu replied.

"I do, but I just know it's big," he said with a smile.

I shook my head and turned my attention to the delivery guy who was now at my side. He had a big package next to me and it looked like a box.


I nodded and stood up. I signed where I needed to sign and said a thank you before he left. I placed whatever it is against the table so it doesn't fall.

"So you not going to open it?"

I looked at the wrapped thing. It wouldn't hurt though.
I ripped the brown paper, careful not to cause too much of a mess.

I stood up to take a good look. Has someone been taking pictures of me?

It was a canvas and on it was a picture of me leaving the office last week.

"Ooohhh you got a secret admirer."

I didn't reply and crouched down to read what was written.

"Happy birthday. We'll meet soon my love."


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