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Sorry it's so late and it's quite short. Please excuse the errors.


I was currently at the warehouse, staring in disbelief at the empty storage unit. Half of my shit is gone. One would think that they have the best security but they are all just dumbasses. Who just leaves without calling someone else to take watch?

They've clearly forgotten who I am.

I went back to the area where they all chill and it was quiet, you could hear them breathing. The security guard from last night was laid out on the floor, with a bullet hole in his forehead.

"Is there any camera footage?" I asked no one in particular.

"It was all wiped out," Erin replied and I just got angrier.

"One of y'all is a mole and when I find out who you are, there's gonna be hell to pay," I told them and walked out heading to my office.

"What you want me to do?" Erin asked after closing the door.

"I need you to shut up and let me think. Your ass should've been here to keep watch."

"You need to take it down notch. I'm not one of them hoes you've been cheating with. Also, you are the one who told me to go out last night and turns out I really needed it. I'm glad I listened to you," she replied sitting down.

I didn't say anything and pulled up the footage, trying to see if there was any footage that they didn't manage to wipe off. I didn't see anything of course, just footage from the afternoon. I threw my phone against the wall.

"That's like the third phone in like six months right? Having money is nice I can tell," she said and I just kept quiet.

"I don't even know what I'm gonna tell my dad," I mumbled.

She laughed. "Don't worry he'll be fine. It's not like it's the first time this has happened."

"Go get me another phone. You know who to talk to, he'll know what to do. Don't bother me for the rest of the day, you are annoying me."

She shrugged and stood up. "Anything to get away from your grumpy ass."

I gave her my card and she just left. I glanced at my now broken phone. I'm gonna have to use my laptop.

"Hey," she said when she answered.

I smiled at the sight of her gorgeous face.

"You look stressed," she commented.

I shrugged. "Nothing to worry your pretty self about. I just really miss you."

"Just one more day baby and I'll be back in your arms," she stated.

I kept quiet. I thought calling her would make me feel better but all I can think about is my stolen merchandise and the fact that I'm stepping out on my marriage. So much for wanting her to forgive me.

"I should come up there and fetch you because I can't wait another day."

She smiled. "You and your impatient self, I'll be there baby. I have to go now, I have work to do."

I blew her a kiss and hung up. I groaned and leaned back in my seat. I'll get my hands on the person who thought it'd be a good idea to steal from me and they won't get to thank the Lord for another day.

The door opened once again and I felt like taking my anger out on the person but decided against it.

"Boss there was this note under one of the bins outside," someone said and I looked at her.

She gave me the note and quickly left. It was so small anyone would've missed it. I opened it and stared at the two words.

'Gotcha bitch'- Z

I crumbled it up and threw it to the side, grabbing my hair tightly. I swear she keeps fucking with me.

"You have a phone call from daddy dearest," Erin said as she entered the office.

I gave her a pointed look and took the phone.

"Dad I-" I started but was interrupted

"What is this I hear about our shit being stolen Kamari? I thought you have people guarding the place at all times," he shouted.

I closed my eyes and sighed. "I know who did it and I promise I'll get everything back."

"I don't want to have to come down there Kamari and don't make me regret my decision because I can take that position away from you in a second. What's the update on your wife's case?"

My mom won't let him talk to me like this if she heard him. "It's been a dead end for a while now. I'm pretty sure she'll be more hands on when she returns but we've been safe for a while now. She won't find anything out don't worry."

"She better not. I don't want to lose everything I've worked so hard to get. You need to shut some people up, there's a reason why we got the law eating from the palms of our hands."

I just listened to him talk my ear off. I groaned out loud when he finally hung up.

"He's not happy," Erin mumbled.

"Tell me something I don't know," I said and stood up.

I opened the cabinet and took out a loaded gun.

Erin stared at me curiously. "Who's meeting their maker today?" She asked

"Anyone who stands in my way," I said and walked out of the office, with Erin following.

Angry doesn't even describe the way I'm feeling right now.

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