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"Alright. I'll probably be home late, don't wait up for me," I said to Melanie. She was telling me about her day so far, she's been doing this for about a month now and today was one of those not so good days.

We hung up after saying bye and I handed the phone back to one of my men. I turned back to the detective and the informant. I decided to take care of it myself.

They were all bloody and on the brink of death.

"I really didn't want to do this you know but I know that you were very close to telling DA Hunter about us and I can't have that happening. I can't lose her again," I said to the detective.

He coughed a bit. "Please, I have a family. I promise I won't tell her anything."

I rolled my eyes. "Your ex-wife and kids want nothing to do with you. I really don't blame them. Abusers deserve to burn in hell."

I walked out of the room with Erin behind me and heard two gunshots go off. I hope they don't mess up like last time and actually burn these bastards.

"We got someone stealing from us," Erin said as we entered my office.

I sighed. "It's always one thing after the other. Can't a week go by without any problems? I'm actually tired of people trying to fuck with me. Do we know who it is?"

She looked at me for a minute. "I'll take care of it, don't worry."

"Who is it?" I asked her.

"Look, I'll take care of it K. We'll just worry about keeping the feds off our back."

"I'm not gonna repeat myself."

She sighed. "It's Junior."

I just looked at her. I refuse to believe that. "There must be a mistake, look more into it. He's been working with us when my father was still in charge. I want proper evidence next week."


She left the room and I changed into clean clothes. Today I'll be heading to the club. I go there three times a week if I can, preferably on the weekends. With my new position at my dad's company things changed, less days are being spent here at the club and most of the time I'm at the company. He pretends as if I don't have other things to do.

I left my office and locked it. I met up with Erin outside. We'll be taking one car today. The car ride was silent. I've been thinking about what she said about Junior. I know he'd never betray my father like that.

We got to the club and it was packed, it's never empty. She went around the club to park in a more secure area, which is basically my parking space. One can never be too safe.

My assistant met us at the door.

"How are you doing today?" She asked me.

"It's always the same thing. Wish I could be at home but I have to be here. Has everything been going well?"

"Absolutely. Had to fire one of the bartenders because they were giving away drinks and bottles, if I didn't catch it as soon as I did we would be talking about the club missing a lot of money."

The Decade Old Deal. (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now