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What am I doing?

I'm currently fitting a handful of suits because Adonis decided to tell my mom and Mrs Edwards that I'm going suit shopping today. I didn't want them here for this exact reason. I'm more than tired.

"Hmm no," my mom shook her head.

"I agree," Kamari's mom and Adonis said.

"This is fine," I told the woman who's been helping us.

She looked towards the audience. Who's the one getting married?

"You know what I think? Let's get it tailored because, no offence my love, these suits aren't cutting it," Adonis said.

"I don't know why I didn't think of that," my mom uttered.

"Isn't it short notice?" I asked. I mean we are three weeks away from the wedding.

"Money makes everything possible my child. Let me call one of my friends, I'm sure he can squeeze us in today. I'll make sure that he knows it's a priority," Mrs Edwards said as she stood up.

I guess I have no say. I went to the back and changed out of the suit and went back out.

"We are heading to my friend right now. Afterwards we have the cake tasting and then we'll go see the venue we chose and the decor," Kamari's mom said as she returned.

"I'm going back to the office after the suit appointment," I said to them as I followed them out. "Adonis will stay with you guys."

"And why would you do that, you need to be there. Kamari is going to be there," my mom said.

More reason not to go but I didn't say anything because I don't want questions. I just kept quiet and got into the car. I listened to them as they listed all the things that need to be done in the next three weeks.

They are obviously more excited about the wedding than I am. I continued driving to the tailor/fashion designer, who just happens to work at Gucci. Why Gucci? Because Kamari is getting hers from there. I just have to accept that I'll be hearing her name everyday.

"I actually thought Mel would be wearing a dress," my mom said.

I mean if I was getting married for real I would.

"When I get married for real I will," I told them.

"You'll get married again?" She asked.

"Yes. It's not like I actually want this marriage, I'm only doing it for dad. When I marry the woman I actually want to marry, then I'll get the wedding and dress of my dreams," I answered.

"You and Kamari have to stay married for at least three years," she stated.

I shrugged because it doesn't matter, we won't be living together anyway.

"I forgot to tell you. Your father and Kamari's father suggested that after the wedding, you guys should move into the house your father and I got you. Your future wife is okay with that," my mom said. Of course she is, anything to make my life hell.

"That's fine."

I guess I'll have to forget about selling that house. I'm not selling my apartment though, I'll continue paying for it. I haven't actually seen that house, not that my parents know. I just hope it's not a mansion or anything.

We got to the building. When we went in we were immediately attended to. A man came towards us.

"Is this the other bride?" He questioned pointing at me.

They nodded and he smiled. "I got some options picked out for you, you'll choose the one you love because ultimately, you have the final say," he said to me.

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