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Kamari (8 years ago)

"So how have you been?" My dad asked me as we ate lunch.

"Been good. It's not like you haven't seen me in like forever."

We laughed. I see my dad once or twice every week. It's always been like this and it works just fine because of various reasons. I still don't know how those people don't know about my mom and I.

"So how long are you here for?" I asked him.

"The whole week actually. There's something you and I need to discuss and I would prefer it if your mother was present," he responded.

"You know mom still loves you, she just doesn't approve of what you're doing."

"A stubborn Zulu woman that one," he said smiling.

I love the relationship my parents have. It's clear that they still love each other and I hope they work things out.

"Well I'll be home this whole week. Mel is graduating on Friday and of course I'm going to be there. Then I have to move into my new apartment, for the new job I'm starting next week Monday," I stated.

I contemplated on telling him about our deal, at the same time I feel like he knows because my mom tells him everything.

"The same Mel you made the deal with?"

I knew it.

"Yeah," I blushed.

"You've been in love with this girl for a long time now. If you feel like this is right then okay, you know I'll do anything to help you get the girl of your dreams," he proclaimed.

I smiled at him.


It was now Friday and I was getting ready for Mel's graduation. I got her something she's been wanting since April. A special edition of books. A nerd.

"Baby?" I heard my mother call out.

I grabbed my things and headed out. She and my father were seated on the couch, sad looks on their face.

"Sit down," he said.

I sat down and looked at them.

"You can't go to the graduation honey. I had my men scope it out and some men of a viral gang were there. I don't know how they found out about you and that you'd be there but they did. I'm sorry."

I sighed. I knew something like this would happen someday, but did it have to be today of all days? I'm pissed man.

"Let me go give this to her mother. I know she's at the venue already," I said and stood up.

One of my dad's men followed me out. It's not that far anyway. I knocked on the door and her mother opened it with a smile.

"You know you don't have to ride with us," she said.

"I know. I won't be making it to the graduation, something came up. I came to give you Mel's gift and tell her I said well done. I'll see her when she gets back," I said.

Her mother nodded. "I understand and I'll tell her."

I smiled at her and walked away. When we got to the house I immediately went upstairs. My whole day is ruined.

That evening my father told me that when I turn 30 I'll have to take over the business, putting a stop to whatever plans I had. We also moved to another place that same evening, I didn't see Mel and I couldn't even say goodbye, because I knew that it would be years until I saw her again.


"So the last time you saw her was 8 years ago and you've been in love with her this whole time?" My friend and right hand woman asked.

"Yeah. I had the boys keep tabs on her whenever I could. I know everything that has happened in her life," I replied.

I was putting varnish on the painting I did of Mel. I know what I make the boys do is technically stalking but I just need to know that she's safe at all times. Her birthday is tomorrow and I was supposed to go but I can't do that just yet. I somehow feel like she's mad at me. I kept a lot from her and she deserves to know the truth, which I'll tell her someday.

I hung it up to dry completely. Erin and I left the room. We went to my office and I immediately got a phone call. I already know who it is.

"Hey mom," I greeted her.

"How's my baby doing?" She asked.

"I've seen better days. How are you and dad doing? Enjoying the vacation?" I asked her.

"Girl you know your father and I are having the time of our lives. We just miss you," she stated.

"I also miss you guys but you'll be back in two weeks, then you'll get to see me whenever you want," I said and sat down.

"Of course. Well I'll leave you to your work. I love you."

"I'll love you too mom. Say hi to dad for me."

She said okay and we hung up.

"Does she know that you've been stalking the love of your life?" Erin asked me.

I laughed. "We both know what she'd do if she found out. She was ready to beat my ass when that girl claimed to be pregnant because according to her, the only person who is supposed to give her grandkids is Melanie."

"I don't know how you control yourself around these women. I mean I kinda get it but it's been so long, aren't you lonely?"

"I always feel lonely but the only person who will fill the loneliness is a country away and I will get to her no matter what," I said.

I took out the marriage deal contract. I hope she hasn't forgotten about this or me. Erin ended up leaving the room, I think she sensed that I needed some time alone.

I took out the pictures of Mel. I spread them out. When I get new pictures of her I pick my favourites and burn the rest. I don't want anyone but me looking at what belongs to me.

I traced my future wife's face. "I'm coming my love, soon we'll be together," I whispered to myself.

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