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Wedding Day

"When I was getting married to your father, I was up before the sun came out. Granted I was forced to be up that early but at the same time I was excited about getting married. Now tell me why aren't you up?" My mother asked me as she opened my curtains.

I groaned as I opened my eyes. "I'm up alright. I want to get this day over and done with," I stated as I looked at the time. It's 7 in the fucking morning. It's not like I have to be at work in two hours. I just have to get ready for a wedding I don't even want.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I guess I can take a shower because I know my mom won't let me go back to sleep. I took a quick shower and afterwards did all the necessities. I hope she has ordered breakfast for me. It's a Saturday, so it's pancake day, preferably blueberry ones.

I went out already dressed and there was a cart there. With three covered plates. I picked up a note.

I remembered that on Saturdays you would ask for blueberry pancakes and I hope that hasn't changed. I can't wait to see you and finally marry you.

Love, Kamari.

I sighed. At least I have breakfast. I guess I shouldn't ruin the day for her, I'll be nice just for today. There's also my dad but he's harmless.

Two hours later

I'm a nervous wreck. It's a good thing that I don't sweat when I'm nervous because I'd be in hell right now. I sat down on the bed and tried to calm myself. The door opened and Adonis entered.

"For a person who didn't want to get married, you sure do look nervous," he said and sat down.

"I don't even know why," I mumbled.

"Because you love her. It's understandable that you are feeling nervous. Don't think too much into it," he uttered.

I didn't reply and stood up when my dad made himself known. He smiled at me.

"I never thought I'd ever see this day. Had me convinced that you'd die alone," he told me.

"I mean it's not like I had a choice and I wanted to do it for you," I replied and he kind of frowned.

"I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you to do this baby girl. If you don't want to do this we can always cancel," he said touching my face.

"No dad. I want to do this for you. I know it'll make you happy."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Alright. Let's go out there, we don't want to keep the guests waiting."

I brushed myself off and followed him out. As much as I say I don't want this, it just all feels so real. We didn't have to walk far before we reached the hall that the ceremony would be happening in.

The doors opened and people stood up. I see that they put their all into the decor for the reception. I hooked my arm around my father's arm and we started walking down the aisle. I laughed at the song that was playing.

After All Is Said And Done.

When we made the contract years ago, we decided (well I decided) that I'd walk down the aisle to this song. I can't believe that she remembered. I looked at the people as I walked with my father, I knew most of them and others were unfamiliar faces.

We reached Kamari and the priest. I kissed my dad's cheek and stood in front of her. She smiled at me and I gave her a small one. I have the sudden urge to cry.

"Can we skip to the vows?" I interrupted the priest.

He nodded hesitantly. Kamari frowned and there were murmurs in the audience. I don't want to stand here any longer.

(Insert the I do's)

He got to the you may kiss the bride part, I stared at her for a couple of seconds and just decided to go for it. I pressed my lips against hers and we kissed for a couple of seconds. I pulled away when she tried to deepen it. We turned to our guests.

"I now present to you Mrs & Mrs Edwards," he said and we smiled as they clapped. One thing I hope they did was book two rooms instead of one.


"I'm sure you are extremely happy," Erin said to me as we watched the guests enjoy themselves.

We were now at the reception. Melanie reluctantly danced with me for our first dance and since then she's been with her friends. The least she can do is pretend to be okay with all of this.

"Yeah I guess," I replied looking at Mel.

She followed my gaze and sighed. "She'll come around. Just give her time."

I don't even care anymore. This is something she clearly doesn't want and I don't know why I thought it will all work in my favour, sometimes I just can't think logically when it comes to her.


Not edited.

Short I know but it's really not an important chapter.

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