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Not edited.

Enjoy :)


I for one was very glad to be back from that vacation or whatever they want to call it. I really missed my wife and I missed being at work.

I kind of think I needed to get away and get time to think about the relationship and everything that has happened. I realised that I was being unfair to Kamari. They were reasons as to why she had to go away for a while and I shouldn't hold that over her head.

So to say I was happy to be back in her arms would be an excitement. I couldn't wait to cuddle and actually do married couple things. This woman really has my whole heart.

"I can't believe you are going back to work already," Kamari said as I got dressed.

"And I'm already late," I reminded her.

I'm responsible for my own lateness but damn she be hitting it good every time, I didn't even want to stop. I took another week off to actually spend time with her but now it's back to reality. Time to get cracking on this case.

She eyed me up and down as I turned to look at her, fully dressed now.

"You gonna be bringing me lunch right?" I asked her.

She nodded and got out of bed, still naked might I add. I checked her out as she walked towards me, she knows what she's doing. I let my eyes linger on her dick and I felt myself getting wet.

"We can always go for another round, I'll be quick don't worry," she said as she kissed my neck.

I'm definitely tempted but I can't.

"No can do baby. I got a lot of work waiting for me. I'll see you at lunch," I replied and left the bedroom.

With her tempting me like that, I was gonna have to call out of work today.

She insisted that I let Erin and one of the bodyguards drive me to work from now on, even though I'm more than capable of doing that and taking care of myself. 

We were all now on the way to work and it was very quiet, which I don't mind at all but at least put on some music.

"Y'all don't listen to music?" I asked

Erin laughed. "I just thought you'd want some silence as you worked."

Understandable. "Not at all, I actually work better when I'm listening to music."

She nodded and turned the radio on but I hate listening to the radio.

"Can I just connect my phone?"

She didn't say anything and just gave me the aux cable. I opened one of my many playlists and just hit shuffle.

"K did say that you have weird taste when it comes to music," Erin commented after a few minutes.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course she'd say that, all she listens to is rap. Like damn, switch it up sometimes. And for your information, Paramore isn't weird."

They both laughed.

For the rest of the ride no one spoke and I was caught up on everything I missed. We reached the building and she opened the door for me. I got out, grabbing my bag.

"Will you be fetching me as well?" I asked them.

"Yeah. She just wants you to be safe."

"Alright," was all I said and I walked off.

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