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The interior designer and I walked through the house Melanie and I will be moving into after getting married. To my knowledge, she hasn't bothered to come see it and knowing her, she was planning on selling it.

"Yeah the couches should be changed, she hates the L-shaped couch. The colour as well, she'd prefer a black one. How long does it take to install new flooring?" I asked her.

"About a week because a lot needs to be done," she replied.

"Alright. Let's change the flooring. Wooden floors in every room except the bedrooms, beige carpet floors in the bedrooms," I stated.

After the wedding, we'll obviously be going to our 'honeymoon'. It's a gift and she always tells me that we don't turn down gifts because it's rude.

We moved through the house and I asked her to change the appliances, Mel hates chrome anything, only stainless steel and she claims that she doesn't have expensive taste. The dining area was good, I think her mom chose the table. As we moved further into the house, she wrote down all the changes that needed to be made.

Money is no object when it comes to Mel.

We ended the tour in the master bedroom, with an en-suite bathroom.

"Paint the walls a dark grey, she should be able to write on one side of the room with chalk, she's always wanted that. Change the bed to a king sized bed. The covers should be black and white. The side tables should be changed, you'll decide on that. Please change the lamps as well. The bathroom is fine, I don't want to change a lot," I said to her.

"Anything you want to be changed?" She asked me.

"No. I don't know much about this, I just know what my wife would love and wouldn't love. When she's happy, I'm happy," I answered.

She smiled and nodded.

We finished up and I had to leave because keeping my mom waiting is the last thing I want to do. I was doing my final suit fitting and apparently I have to give a go ahead on the decor. What the fuck do I know about that stuff? There's a reason why I let them do all the planning.

I found my mom waiting outside the building, on her phone. I stood beside her, waiting for her to finish.

"What do you mean the shipment got lost? You are making me lose a lot of money Rick. I'm not happy and the Colombians are definitely not going to be happy. Fix this," she said to the person and hung up.

My mom doesn't agree with the killing part of the organisation, she'd prefer it if someone else does it, but she's very hands on when it comes to the drugs. Our money maker. Mess with her money and you're done for, because you've made my mom unhappy and my dad doesn't like that at all. Her happiness is everything to him.

"Hi mom," I greeted her with a smile on my face.

She put her phone away. "My baby is really getting married tomorrow."

"I don't think Mel is happy about that. I think she's still angry about me leaving, I doubt she'll ever forgive me," I uttered with a frown.

"Give her time my love. You two were inseparable and for the longest, you thought that you'd be spending the rest of your lives together without any obstacles, but that will be happening. She'll come around. One day you'll have to tell her about The Council."

I looked at her crazy after the last statement. Does she want me to go to jail? Her only child?

"Has it slipped your mind that she's the district attorney? She'll send me to jail and I'll be spending the rest of my life there," I said with a raised voice.

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