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Three weeks to the wedding.


"So how are the wedding preparations going?"

I looked at Adonis sideways. "I want nothing to do with that. I left all of that in my mom and Mrs Edwards' hands. I want nothing to do with the planning. All I have to do is pick my wedding outfit, which I'm supposed to be doing tomorrow and you're coming with me."

He smiled. "The best decision you'll make this week."

He left the room and I got back to work. I'm hoping that I'll be able to convince him that I shouldn't wear anything that's too much. I don't even want this wedding to begin with, I'm just doing it for my dad.

The rest of the day went by really quickly. I guess time flies when you're in your thoughts. I decided that I won't be staying until it's only me and the security guard left today. I just wanted to cook me something because I haven't done that in a while.

I packed my things and the files I would probably need. I exited my office, making sure to lock it. You never know what or who's trying to ruin you or your career.

I passed by Adonis' desk.

"How many hours do you think the shopping is going to take? I need to plan my day accordingly," I asked him.

"Hours? Girl I'm gonna need you to cancel your meetings, they'll understand. And emphasis on you because you know they be cussing me out."

I mean it's just a suit but okay.

I left the office and the building, saying goodbye to my favourite person, the guard. On my way home I couldn't help but start thinking about Kamari. A part of me is really glad that she's back but another part of me is angry at her.

For so long I've hated her, even though I was hoping that she would come back. Then she does come back, with no explanation whatsoever. It angers me honestly. Then we're supposed to get married? I just feel like they are asking for a bit too much.

I got to my apartment and there was someone parked in one of my parking spaces. It was a black Escalade, no number plates. I hope someone isn't in trouble. I parked next to it. I got out, locking it and went up to my apartment. When I got to it I found the door already unlocked. I immediately got scared. Am I a target or something?

I cautiously entered and looked around but everything was still in place. It was eerily quiet.

"Breaking into this place is really easy, I don't know why you live here," a voice said as they emerged from the kitchen.

It was Kamari. I looked at her with a bored look. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I visit my fiancée? I just wanted to see you," she said and sat down next to another woman I didn't even see at first.

"Well you saw me, now leave," I replied as I took off my blazer.

"This is Erin," she introduced the woman.

"Hi," was all she said. I gave her a simple nod and turned back to Kamari.

"I gotta start cooking okay. You guys need to leave. I'll make sure to get extra security because I can sense that my living arrangements aren't up to your standards. You know your way out," I said to her and went upstairs.

I changed and tidied up a bit. I just need to calm down because I know she'll still be there when I go downstairs and I'll just ignore her. I'm pretty sure my cat is hiding, he hates new people.

I went back downstairs and I was right. Erin was now surfing through my channels, while the other one was looking through my books and various cds. My books are everywhere in this apartment. I'm just glad that the place my parents got me has a library, they know me that well.

I just ignored them and went into the kitchen. I'll just make me something quick, which in my books is any pasta dish.

"What are you making? Will it be enough for all of us?" She questioned and I continued to ignore her.

I'll just make a simple steak stir fry, obviously enough for three since I know she won't be leaving anytime soon.

"When are you leaving?" I asked because she was just standing there.

"After eating of course. You know I've always loved your food, I'd say you're slightly on par with my mom."

Yeah I remember. She would always ask her to cook something for her and I'd always make whatever she wanted. I was so in love. I probably still am.

"How could I forget," I mumbled.

I put on some music just to stop thinking about her being so close to me.


My eyes followed her as she worked her way around the kitchen. It's something I've always done and I don't think I'll ever stop. Melanie loves cooking but I don't think she'll ever consider making a career out of it. It's something she just loves and baking as well.

"Remember our contract?" I asked her after a while.

"Yeah," the one word answers are starting.

She sighed and switched off the stove because she was done.

"So why aren't you happy that we're finally getting married? Because I know I am."

She sighed once again and looked at me.

"Your many questions are annoying me. And no I'm not happy. I'm only doing this for my dad and the companies," she said and I won't lie, I am hurt but I know she's not finished. "When we made that contract I was really excited. I was going to be marrying the girl I was always in love with but then you just left. Left without leaving a letter or something to explain, just those books I was looking for, for months. Was I angry at you for leaving me? Absolutely but I got over it after a while. I honestly think that we'd be married by now but that ship sailed. So no I'm not excited about the upcoming wedding, nothing to be excited about. I really think you should leave now."

She wiped a few tears and laughed. "I must be hurting still if I'm crying like this."

I kept quiet as she dished up for Erin and I in a Tupperware. I don't know what to say. How do I explain that I had to leave to keep her safe because rival gangs were and are after us? And that my dad had to train me so that I can take over as the head of The Council, the same Council she's investigating?

I followed her into the living room. She gave the Tupperware to Erin.

"Y'all drive safely okay? It was nice to meet you. Also thank you for taking care of this one, she sometimes lets herself go. I hope you'll always be by her side," she smiled at her. Erin grinned a bit.

"It was nice meeting you as well and I promise to always take care of her. Thank you for the food," Erin replied. "I'll be in the car," she said to me.

I looked at her before I walked out. "I still love you with everything in me," was all I said and left with a heavy heart.

I got to the car and got in. "You good?" Erin questioned. I just nodded in response. I wonder how this whole marriage thing will work out if things are like this between us.

"She'll come around," I heard Erin say.

I really hope so.


Not proofread, so please excuse any mistakes.

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