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It's been two weeks since Kamari's friends left and she has been trying hard to gain my trust back. Adonis disappeared and Eve hasn't heard from him either.

One thing I'm glad for though, is that I'm back at the office. Even though I had to find another PA but all is fine.

"So all you need is the judge's signature?" I asked the detective

"Yes. We got a lead but we know that we can't enter without a warrant," she said as we walked down the corridor.


To our luck the judge was leaving her chambers. For some reason she hates me but we both want to take The Council down, so she has to put her hate for me aside.

"Judge Jones," I called out to her and she just looked at me.

She makes me angry. "I need you to sign a warrant for me."

"Do I get to know what the warrant is for?" She questioned

"The detective and her officers have found a lead on the warehouse the council has been using. We need to raid it because a lead has told us that they are keeping their drugs and weapons in there," I replied.

She didn't say anything and just signed the document. The detective and I looked at each other after she walked away.

"She doesn't like you much hey," she said

"Don't even mention it. You'll let me know what you find something right?"

She nodded and walked away. I have court in 30 minutes, the prosecutor and I have enough time to prep the man he's defending and the witness. I'm glad Jones is not the judge in this case, I don't need her judgement about me affecting anything.

After Court.

"So you mean to tell me that there were no drugs in the warehouse?"

They shook their heads. "No. They are smarter than we think. All we found were weapons, which by what we found on the crate were supposed to go to the Genovese Family. They operate in Italy, we don't have any footage or evidence of them entering the country."

I looked at them sideways. Of course they wouldn't, they are a crime family for goodness sake. They can go wherever they want undetected.

"Okay, thank you," I said and they walked out

This case is really frustrating. I'm not getting anywhere with it and it's making me angry. It's like someone is purposely making it hard for me to find evidence on them.

I know everything won't be easy but damn can something go my way for once.

"Ma'am you have a visitor," my assistant said standing at my door.

I nodded without looking at her.

"You look really stressed," someone said

I looked up and I swear my day has been made.

"You didn't tell me that you'd be coming by," I said with a smile on my face.

"So I can't surprise my wife at her workplace?" She grinned.

I laughed a bit. "What do you have for me?"

"Just your favourites. I assumed that you haven't had something to eat today and I think I'm right. You didn't even have anything to eat this morning," she said as she sat down on the couch.

I went to join her and sat next to her, putting my legs on her lap. "I know. I've just been stressed because of these cases. I don't even think I'll be home on time today."

She opened the basket and gave me a blue tupperware. Inside was lasagna. "You want to tell me about the cases?"

I gave her a look and she chuckled. "Where do you come from?"

"Had to go do something for my dad and then I went to see my mom. She's enjoying the housewife lifestyle."

"Is she doing good though?" I asked her.

"You know she is. Tells me she's lonely when my dad is not around and when he is, it's just the two of them. They said they want grandchildren now," she looked at me.

I sighed. Here we go. "You wanna go see my parents tomorrow? I haven't seen them since we got married. I'm sure they'd love to see you and your parents. Might stay for the weekend," I said to her as I stood up.

She stared at me for a while. Probably deciding on what to say next, I don't want to hear about kids. We've touched on the kids subject and I don't plan on having any kids with her anytime soon.

"Why do you always dodge the topic about kids?"

Well, I think she has time today.

"We've already talked about this Kamari. I don't think we're ready for kids right now. When are you leaving?"

She just shook her head and stood up. "I was gonna stay until it was time for you to go home but I think I'll go to the club. I'll see you at home."

I watched as she walked out with the basket. I don't know why she's angry. She should just let it go. We don't even have sex, I don't know how she's gone this long without getting some.

The rest of the day I just concentrated on my work and forgot about her minor tantrum. She's not going to get her way all the time. I just can't put my life on hold because she's decided that she wants to have kids. I know it's selfish of me to only consider myself but that's how it's supposed to be, I have to put myself first.

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