We reach our new home at the council and I get greeted by Don. "Alice! How are you?" she hugs me and looks me over then glares at Ashton.
"I'm fine and he wasn't the one to do it so leave him alone." I say and glare at her and take Ashton's hand while laughing. I haven't been able to remember how happy I was here with everyone till now.
"Okay I'll leave him alone." Don pouts.
"Good cause I don't like a vampire glaring at me."
Ashley steps out of the car and Don is over by her in a second. "Whose this?" her eyes turn red.
"Leave her alone, she's a friend of mine and pregnant too." Her eyes change back to her normal color and Ashley breathes a sigh of relief.
"It's nice to meet you." Ashley squeaks.
—————————————————-4 months later——————————————————————————
My belly has grown to were I can barely move without bumping into something and needing help to wash myself in the bathroom. Ashton is so happy to have a child with me that he growls at anyone that can harm me in any way. I'm sitting on the bed with Ashton watching T.V. when my water breaks and a contraction comes on to me and since I'm a hybrid it hurts worse than getting branded. I scream out very loudly. "Baby what's wrong?" Ashton looks at me with concern.
"Baby's coming!" I scream.
He hops up and carries me to the hospital room and the contractions are close now. I see my friends who are like family in my room and give birth to a beautiful baby girl but the contractions didn't stop and I was still in pain and a baby boy was born, a handsome and beautiful boy.
I hold my baby girl and I name her Arianna and her twin brother Adrian. Aria has bright blue eyes and Adrian has brown eyes like his daddy's. Ari has a birthmark on her wrist that is like a wolf and her brother has a birth mark on his chest that looks like the mark of our pack which means he is a true Alpha even though his sister was born first and she will have her own pack once she is grown up.
"They are beautiful." Ashley comes in with her new born child, Crystal.
"Thank you, how's Crystal doing?"
"She's wonderful and since your children are born she'll be happier to have someone to play with." I smile at her and look down at my babies.
They only cried a few times when they came out but they are quite quiet now.
Hey guys sorry it's been a while I'll update as soon as possible. Vote, Comment, and share. love you guys. My best friend told me we weren't friends anymore so that's why I haven't updated lately

True mate
WerewolfOkay so this is my first book on this account 2 years ago is when I started writting it on here. UNDER MAJOR EDITING!!!! Rebecca/Alice is a werewolf she's someone she never thought of herself as. She finds out what type of wolf she is and finds her...