I wake up in the room that Shade and I are sharing. I wonder where he is. Then all the events came back to me. Shade knocked me, What is wrong with people? I've only been here for a couple days and I get attacked again! I think.
I stand up and notice that there's a needle in my arm. Ugh I rip it out and my skin heals completely. I go into the bathroom and throw up what ever Poisson was in my system. I take a shower and then get dressed. What's going on, Kim. Why did Shade do this to us?
I don't know, but I'm going to find out.
I knocked on the door and a guard opened it seeing me there, "What's going on?" I demanded.
"Luna, you're awake."
"Of course I'm awake you idiot. Let me out now."
"I can't but Alpha Shade will be in here in a little bit to explain." He says and then closes the door behind him and locks it.
I grunt, They really think that I'm staying after my first mate rejected me and then my second one hurt me? I'm out of here. I look over at the window and an evil smirk appeared on my face. I've been living with wolves almost my entire life and it's time for a change. I'm over this place and these people. The door creeks open and I see Evelyn come in and shut the door. I go over to her and give her a big hug.
"Alice, where are you going?" She whispers.
"Away I can't stay here anymore not since Shade did that."
"But you can't go. We just got you back."
"It was a wonderful year, my dear, Evelyn but it's time for me to go to my family that I actually like calling my family."
"So you don't like me being your sister?"
"No that's not it at all, sweetheart. I just need a change from everything in this hellhole." I lift up the window silently.
"Then take me with you." Her face was as serious as mine when I won't give up on something.
"Evy, no, you'll be frightened more than anything."
"I'm going that's final. I'm your sister and don't want you to be alone anymore." I smile weakly at her and then I jump out the window. it is about two stories from the ground. I land without a sound and make it sure no one is near me when I get hit with Evelyn's body. When I looked at her there was blood on her neck that looked like a bite make and her neck seemed snapped. I let out a furious scream and did what I would do in any situation like this; I bring her back from the dead and heal her neck. she coughs, "I told you I was coming with you."
I stand up with her in my arms and take off running. I find Alec's sent and follow it to an abandoned house in the woods. Smart. I look at it with admiring eyes and then I hear a twig snap from behind me. I put the Sleeping Evelyn down on the porch and turn around to see about five vampires, the others must be somewhere else. These are new vampires except one. Her name's Don and she's the one who spoke first, "Who are you." okay make that a growl.
"Ah Donny I thought you at least would have remembered me from the last time." See Don was my best friend besides Alec. I see her face go blank. Don has pale skin with green eyes and plump lips, her body structure is amazing even when we were little her black hair falls down to the middle of her back.
One of the newbies with red hair, freckles, and brown eyes; ask the question again, "Who are you?"
"Don, where's Alec?" I ignore the newbie and look at Don, who's looking at me with shock, "Don, you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Alec is in the house," She takes out the key and throws it to me, "Here's the key so you can get in without waking the others." I nod at her and go towards the porch.
Then I hear, "Why are you listening to that wolf? And how does she know Alec."
I turn around and answer, "This wolf you're talking about is a hybrid and I lived with this clan before any of you. I knew Alec's parents and they were like my parents till the wolves came for me and killed them for no reason." I see shock on all of their faces except Don's she just looked sad.
"Alright back to being look outs." Don barks and nods at me before running back into the woods. I go into the house after picking up Evelyn carefully.
The door creaked open and then I was met with Alec, smiling at me. "I knew you'd get the hint that wolves, no offense, are just cruel."
"Offence taken but yeah I know." I shift Evelyn in my arms and Alec looks down at her with admiration.
"Who's this?"
"This is my little sister, Evelyn and she's like me."
"Why'd you bring her?"
"After I left she was flung out the window dead.'
Hey Guys, here is another chapter. Hope you like it and remember to vote, comment what you think (I'm open for suggestions) and Remember that you all matter! Love you all.

True mate
WerewolfOkay so this is my first book on this account 2 years ago is when I started writting it on here. UNDER MAJOR EDITING!!!! Rebecca/Alice is a werewolf she's someone she never thought of herself as. She finds out what type of wolf she is and finds her...