We get down to the dinning room and sit down. I'm next to Shade, who is at the head of the table, and Evelyn who insisted on sitting next to me the first night and hasn't changed since then. My dad is on Shade's other side and my mom is next to him with Dan next to her. Next to Evelyn is Andy and then Miranda and Tommy. At the end of the table sits Shade's parents, who like me but keep staring at me with worried looks from some reason tonight.
I feel Shade's hand on my thigh, moving closer to a place it is not allowed to go yet, in my opinion. I grab his hand and held it. He squeezed it and it looked like he was worried and sad at the same time. I narrow my eyes at everyone who was silent, in fact they have been since the mail came a week ago but now there's worry in their eyes and I can see that they are communicating through mind link. "Okay what is going on here?" I ask as nicely as possible, "It is rude not to tell some one the thing you are speaking about in mind link right in front of them."
"Baby girl, I...I...I need to tell you something and that's what I came to talk to you about before we started laughing at Andy." We hear Andy growl.
"What is it? I can't be that bad."
"Actually, for you it might be but it is our duty as the best pack in the world to go help a pack that has been having more than their fair share of rogues and a little bit of full blooded Vampires in their land.'
"That doesn't sound to bad, which pack?" I ask and see everyone tense, "Crap! You are not dragging me back there I refuse to go back and see that Alpha Asshole again! Excuse my language." I say and start to head up with my cup of blood in hand when Shade was right in front of me.
He grabbed my face in his hands and says "Children are being killed and we need to help, it is our duty to do it too and sense you are almost Luna you have to come with me to Blake's pack. He won't lay a finger on you."
"Promise?" My eyes teared and spilled over, he looked into my eyes and wiped the tears away with his thumbs.
"I..." he kisses my chin, "Promise." He kisses me on the lips sending chills down my spine. When we pulled apart to breath again. I took a swallow of the blood.
"I still don't want to go." I frown up at him.
"I know. I will meet you in at the gazebo at 7 O'Clock. Don't be late okay?" I nod, "I love you."
"Love you too, Shade." I say back giving him a kiss on the lips and groaned when pulling away to go get ready. I get into my shower to take a shower. My shampoo and conditioner smell like lavender and roses. I get out and put on a dress that has black lace on the back and sold black on the front. There is a ribbon that goes around my middle and ties in the back. It end of the dress hits the floor. I here a knock at the door. "Who is it?"
"Andy and Miranda. Let us in." I roll my eyes and unlock the door and open it. I here them gasp in wonder as they look at my dress.
"What is it?" I ask going over to the mirror to make sure nothing was ripped.
"You're beautiful, We need to put makeup on you for this night." Andy says folding her arms over her chest.
"Fine." They get to work and when they are done, they spin me to face the mirror. I look beautiful with luscious red full lipe with eye liner and silver eyeshadow to make my eyes pop. "Wow." Was all I could say and hugged them tight.
"You have ten minutes to get your ass down to the Gazebo." Miranda says looking at her watch. We all ran downstairs arm in arm. "So what do you think is going to happen tonight?"
"I don't know because it's Shade and I never know what he plans." I tell them honestly.
"You look beautiful sissy." Evelyn appears at the door way leading to the Gazebo.
"Thank you sweetheart." She nods and walks in front of us leading us to the Gazebo. where there is candles lit every where and roses and tulips are all around. I see Shade standing in the middle of the Gazebo with my mom, dad, and Dan. "What's going on?" He turns around and smiles at me with the warm smile that I love so much.
"You look so beautiful, my strong mate." I blush and look down. He pulls me up on the Gazebo and kneels down on one knee, "Will you my beautiful mate Alice Sandy Royal be my bride?" He pulls out a ring that has gold on the band and a heart filled with diamonds.
I squealed, "Yes, I will marry you Shade." He smiles at me while putting the ring on my finger and stands up.
"I was hoping you would say that." He says is a seductive voice.
"Why?" I barely got out.
"Because when you became betrothed to me the date was set for tomorrow. Happy birthday, Alice." My eyes got wide.
"I need a dress, and decorations and catering and....and..."
"And you don't have to worry about it because it is all taken care of. All you have todo tomorrow is find a dress that you love at the bridal shop and come back and get ready."
"How did you know that we were supposed..."
"I knew that we were because of everything my mom told me and we were suppose to marry last year but you came back and we are so blessed to have you back so I push it to be put for this year the day after your birthday." I smile up at him.
"Thankyou but what would have happened if I didn't come back at all?"
"I probably would be looking for my mate, you."
"I love you." I say standing on my tipy toes and start to kiss his neck.
"I...love...you...too." he breaths out and moans when I hit his soft spot then I'm ripped away by Andy who's dragging me back up to my room so I can get some sleep. I heard Shade groan/growl that his sister took me from him.
"You will see him at the end of the end of the isle tomorrow but for now you need your sleep." Andy says throwing me in the chair to take off my makeup, then she pushed me into the bathroom so I can change into a tank top and shorts. I come out and see Miranda and Andy in my room with what smells like alcohol. "Party!"
Looks like they have drank to much already. "I'm going to bed."
"But have one drink with us please." Miranda pleads and holds up a cup.
"Fine." I grab the drink and down it then I go to bed.
"Party pooper." I hear them scream but I have already started to drift off to dream land.
Thanks for reading! Vote and have a good day or night. Love you all. Don't forget that you can comment on what I can do better.

True mate
WerewolfOkay so this is my first book on this account 2 years ago is when I started writting it on here. UNDER MAJOR EDITING!!!! Rebecca/Alice is a werewolf she's someone she never thought of herself as. She finds out what type of wolf she is and finds her...