Unknown Feelings: Part 2

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Lisa froze and her brain couldn't function properly and all her mind said was " He is back". She ran to their bedroom cause she didn't know how to face him and if she did she would break down badly.

Mrs. Jeon ran outside and saw her son. She teared up and ran to hug him. Jungkook hugged her and wiped her tears.

Jungkook looked around as if finding someone until Mrs. Jeon told him

" She is in the bedroom and doesn't know how to face you."

" Huh"

Mrs. Jeon started " Jungkook she has had problems expressing her feeling since childhood and thinks that you left her ."

Jungkook put his bags in the living room and ran to their shared room.

He saw Lisa standing near the window.

His Lisa, her short hair was now long making her look prettier.

" Lisa"

She turned around and met his amber doe eyes looking into her soul. She looked so fragile and beautiful.

Lisa looked as if she could cry any second, she went forward and embraced him as tightly as she could.

Jungkook was shocked and surprised to see Lisa like this and soon felt his shirt wet and lowered his head to see Lisa crying.

" L-Lisa why are you crying?"

Lisa sobbed and cried in his arms for a long time. after a while, she looked up and saw his face had scars.

" W..where did you get these?"

Jungkook looked at her with gentle eyes and stroked her head comforting.

" I got while I was trying to pass the net"

Lisa looked at his scars than his eyes before asking in a soft voice " Does it hurt ?"

Jungkook chuckled and said " These are nothing"

They both noticed the position they were in and separated from each other with blushing faces.

There was an awkward silence before Lisa broke it by saying

" Y-You go take a bath after that I will treat your wounds."

Jugnkook didn't refuse cause he liked this company knowing that the girl he loves, cares for him is an amazing thing.

After Jungkook took a bath and sat on the bed with a white T-shirt with black shorts thinking something deeply.

Lisa was standing near the dressing table and saw him. This was probably the first time she realized how beautiful Jungkook is.

Jungkook saw Lisa standing in front of him, looking up he saw Lisa in a light blue nightgown with a hairdryer.

" Let me help you with your hair" and with that Lisa sat on the knees on the bed behind him and blow-dried his hair. She noticed his hair is a lot longer and she liked it long.

" Ah sorry I'll get my hair cut, it is long"

Although Jungkook liked his hair long, he was afraid she would not like it.

" Can you keep it long, I-I like it this way?" Lisa softly muttered and walked to the dressing table to keep the hairdryer.

Lisa treated the wound on his face and both went to bed.

After a long time, Lisa felt the bed was comfortable and peaceful maybe because of Jungkook.

Jungkook suddenly felt more confident after the hug in the afternoon and back-hugged her.

Lisa felt Jungkook's hard and study chest.

" Lisa you wanna know something"

Lisa turned around and looked at him and nodded

Jungkook took a deep breath before continuing " Lisa you know I am crazily in love with you  and trust me when I say when these months were like hell to me."

Lisa looked so fragile and soft. He could not control himself anymore and whispered in a low yet deep voice " Tell me you also felt that these months were hell."

Lisa looked at him and said in a soft tone " H--Hell"

Jungkook breathed her scent and whispered in her ear

" Lisa push me away and tell me to control myself."

Lisa looked at him and shook her head indicating No.

" I--I want you to lose control " and with that Lisa wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered

" Jungkook I love you "

And with that Jungkook crashed his lips onto her lips and felt the soft flesh.

Hope you like this part vote and comment to let me know you like this

Thank You

-Wendy 💜💛

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