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Lisa stood in the subway underneath the streets of Chicago

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Lisa stood in the subway underneath the streets of Chicago. Glancing at her watch slightly, she gripped the handhold as the train made its way through the tunnel. Personally, Lisa liked taking the subway. Part of the reason why she enjoyed it was because she liked watching people, making up stories in her head about who they were and where they were going. There were so many different kinds of people that took the subway as if there was a new one every day, and my creative imagination would run wild.

There were a lot of people on the subway. Lisa found herself squeezed between two people as the door opened to let in a few more passengers. It was a good thing that she wouldn't be on too long, the crowd would make anyone feel claustrophobic. Checking her watch again, she figured she had two minutes until the train would reach her destination. Pulling her bag tighter on her shoulder, Lisa started to look for a way to get out of the crowd when the doors would open.

Before she could take a step, she felt a hand grab on her free one, and Lisa jumped. Looking up, her eyes fell on a handsome tall, brunette man. His hair was slightly longer than it should have been, brushing the top of the collar of his beige trench-coat. He was tall and slightly intimidating, his large hand gripped hers so tightly that Lisa couldn't pull away. She frowned, "Um, excuse me-"

"Play along. I'm being followed."



When he said 'please', it caught her attention. Lisa glanced over at him as he gazed back, and found herself lost in his hazel eyes. They seemed deep and endless, and only when he looked away did she find herself able to look away. The subway grew closer to her stop, Lisa glanced nervously back at him.

"My stop is next."

The train slowed, and he shoved her outside with the rest of the crowd. Taking off his coat, she found the beige material pulled over the top of her head, hiding her face from any potential onlookers. Despite the fact that she was standing on the platform outside of the train, he stood only a foot away from the subway.

"It's raining outside, take this and keep dry."

Lisa was confused, especially when the large coat was pulled over the top of her head.

"Make sure that you leave quickly and go straight home. They'll follow me for a while, and I'll lead them away."

"What is-"

Pulling the coat closer over her head, he leaned over and kissed her. Anybody watching would have assumed we were dating, or lovers, or in some sort of relationship. His mouth played gently over her, parting her lips, as her eyes slid closed and she tasted him. His lips tasted like mint, and smelled like ceder and spring rain. There was a beep of warning from the subway, alerting to the crowd that the doors would be closing soon, and he eased away. Lisa stared at him with her wide eyes as he stepped backward into the train. He had been wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and jeans under the coat.

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