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"So, what are you doing?"

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"So, what are you doing?"

Lisa groaned at the sound of Jungkook's voice next to her ear, dropping her head into her hands. How did he always manage to find her? For just this once she would have given anything to be away from him. Hell, that's why she came here in the first place; to get away from his insufferable ass. Okay, maybe that was a bit of a stretch, but it made more sense to pretend she hated him than to act like the rest of his moon-eyed female groupies in this school and drool. Because we all know she would be if she had any less dignity; however, someone had to take a stand here and properly represent the female population. Not all of them could walk around like blithering idiots when Jeon Jungkook passed through the halls. Really what would that be saying about her generation if they all lost their senses when a gorgeous piece of male flesh walked by. Not much that's for certain.

"Aw, Lisa what's the matter?" He asked in a childish voice. "Got a headache? Here I'll kiss it and make it all better."

Lisa yelped and jolted up right in her chair at that last comment. She could already feel the hot blood rushing up her neck to color her face a pretty shade of crimson. Great, just great, now she was embarrassed, and hearing Jungkook chuckle at her reaction as he took a seat next to her did not help the matter. She glanced over at him taking note of the large grin splayed across his handsome face and that slightly irritating sparkle that was always present in his eyes when he knew he had gotten to her. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to give him her best "I hate you glare" also meant to convey a not too subtle "so leave me alone" message. Obviously, he hadn't quite caught on if his next comment was anything to go by.

"Wow, Lisa, your eyesight must be getting really bad if you have to squint to see someone sitting right next to you," he commented. And to add to the insult he waved his hand in front of her face.

All she could manage to do was sputter and grab his hand away. "I am not going blind you moron! I was trying to intimate that you should leave me alone," she hissed back.

"Now, why would you want me to do that?" He asked flashing her that damned cheeky grin of his.

"Hmm, let me think about this for a second," she said while tapping her finger against her chin. "Could it possibly be because I don't like you? Hence, the reason why I want you to leave me alone." She emphasized her point by poking him in the chest with her finger. Maybe not the smoothest move in her book because now she couldn't help thinking about how nice and firm his chest really was. Man, what she wouldn't give to just run her hands over...Whoa, Nelly, time to pull back on those reins before her mind decided to completely jump the fence!

He shook his head at her. "You don't honestly think I'm going to believe that, do you?"

"Uh, yes, actually I do," she answered back, raising an eyebrow. Good thing she knew the guy wasn't a mind reader. Wouldn't that suck.

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