Kiss me more

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Two bodies lay side by side together on the grass

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Two bodies lay side by side together on the grass. Looking up at the sky, they were trying to figure out what the clouds were shaped like.

"It looks like a rabbit." The girl said. She squinted, trying not to be blinded by the sun.

"Don't be silly. It's more like an elephant." The boy replied. His hand was held above his head towards the side, effectively shielding his face from the sun.

"How can a bunny and an elephant look alike? I still say it's a bunny." The girl's lips moved into a smile. They were always like this. Arguing over every single thing. They weren't real most of the time, more like debates that they usually have for fun. But the boy usually let her win. They were best friends, after all.

"Lisa. That is definitely not a bunny. It has a long tail. Bunnies don't have long tails." The boy smirked, thinking he was going to win.

"Jungkook. That tail isn't even connected to the cloud we're talking about." The boy's smirk instantly disappeared.

They stayed in silence for a bit more, allowing the sun's warmth to caress their faces until Lisa turned to her side and faced Jungkook. Her head was on her hand and her elbow on the grass. She looked at him for a bit before opening her mouth to speak.

"I just realized something, Jungkook." She said. Jungkook shifted his eyes towards her face before lying on his side too.

"Oh?" That was all he said. His eyes tried to search her eyes for what she was thinking. She was never usually serious. Sure, quiet sometimes, but never serious. She was the joker in their partnership. He was usually the one trying to get her out of her hyper moods.


"And just what is it that you've realized?" He asked her, his right hand absently tugging at random strands of grass.

"We're graduating next week," Lisa said, poking at the ground. A smile tugged at Jungkook's lips and he turned his eyes back towards her.

"You've only realized this now?" He threw the random grass strands at her. She brushed them off her shirt before pursing her lips in his direction.

"Of course not. I wasn't done yet. You should have let me finish." She narrowed her eyes before looking back down at the ground, continuing her attack on the soil with her index finger, successfully creating a few shallow holes.

"Continue then," Jungkook said, trying to build a small pile of grass.

"We're graduating next week... and well, to be honest..." Lisa trailed off, her eyes moving on random places. She was nervous and Jungkook could see. He raised his left eyebrow.

"Spit it out, Lis."

"I haven't been kissed yet. And I know it sounds like such a petty problem, considering other people have problems larger than mine, but I was just thinking, you know? That I'm about to graduate and I'm probably the only girl in school who hasn't been kissed yet." She was too busy rambling that she didn't notice as the color began to flood Jungkook's cheeks. He shook his head before looking back at the grass.

"That isn't true. I bet you Mary Torres from chess club hasn't been kissed yet." He almost lost balance as Lisa gave him a shove.

"Jungkook! That wasn't very nice! Besides, she has. Collin from chemistry class? Yeah, I saw him kissing her under the bleachers." Lisa looked, if even possible, more miserable. Jungkook's eyes widened for a bit before becoming thoughtful again.

"Well... Uhm..." He didn't know what to say. Usually, when things like this happened in the movies, the guy would usually just grab the girl and they would instantly start to make out. But this wasn't the movies, this was real life. He didn't want to scare Lisa away. But boy, did he want to reach out and grab her.

"Silly problem, eh?" Lisa chuckled nervously, "I don't know why I brought it up. I should have just kept my mouth—" she didn't have a chance to continue her sentence, seeing as Jungkook's lips were currently pressed against her own.

It wasn't a rough kiss, it wasn't demanding or too much. It was gentle, sweet, and just right. Lisa's eyes widened for a moment before closing. He tasted like peppermint; probably from the gum he had been chewing earlier, and his lips were soft yet rough at the same time. They moved a bit against her own, applying pressure before slightly parting to that he could nibble her bottom lip, causing her to sigh into his mouth.

But just like that, as quickly as it had happened, he pulled away and was quickly pulling on random grass strands again.

"Erm..." Jungkook coughed, "Sorry. I... Sorry..."

They both laid there in silence once again. Lisa was thinking that maybe she was mistaken in believing that Jungkook had feelings for her, while Jungkook was thinking that maybe he had scared her.

"You didn't have to do that... I mean, I don't want you to think that I pressured you into it or anything." Lisa mumbled.

"You... didn't. I did it of my own accord. Sorry if I, uhm, scared you." Jungkook muttered back.

"You didn't." The two of them locked eyes again before Jungkook turned away. They both turned back towards the sky, and everything was quiet before Lisa cleared her throat.

"I just realized something else." She said. Glad to think that everything was back to normal, Jungkook replied.

"Oh?" He felt a slight sense of déjà vu.

"Well. I've just realized that we're about to graduate, and I've only been kissed once. Pathetic, isn't it?" She turned her head to the side, allowing her mouth to curl into a mischievous grin.

"Only just a little bit," Jungkook said, letting a smile touch his mouth as well. He let his eyes move towards her mouth and shifted just a tad bit closer.

"Well. It would be better if I graduated having been kissed twice, you know? Or more, but it doesn't really matter."

Jungkook smirked and leaned in for a second kiss. Or more. Who was he to deny his best friend's cry for help?

The End.

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