"Looks like the Lovely Lady Lisa has finally admitted her love for me!"

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"Jennie, please no!" Jungkook begged his fancy little sister princess who was studing her newly-painted nails

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"Jennie, please no!" Jungkook begged his fancy little sister princess who was studing her newly-painted nails.

"Sorry messy hair," she said as she examined an especially pointy-looking one. "You got yourself into this mess, you can get yourself out."

"JENNIE! I... I can't tell her!"

"Why not?" she asked. "I thought YOU were supposed to be brave. But all I see is a coward. And besides, a dare's a dare. So go tell Blondie that you luv her," Jennie insisted, making kissy sounds with her lips.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "There's no way you're letting me get out of this one, are you?"

"Nope," she admitted.

"Fine, Princess Jennie," he responded, causing her to grit her teeth so hard it seemed as if they were going to break.

"I'll tell her all right... tell her... that Alden wants to talk to her!" Jennie groaned. "Hey, you never specified what I had to tell her! YESSSSSSSSSSS!"

"Fine. But you still have my dare from the racing challenge we did last week, so I'll use it for that. You have to tell Lisa how you really feel about her. Specific enough for you?" Jennie asked with a mocking smile.


"What?" a painfully familiar voice asked from behind them.

Jungkook whirled around, Jennie following suit almost immediately. And just as he had expected, there was a confused-looking, surprised, beautiful-as-ever Lisa standing right in front of them.

Lisa had just leaped over to Candle shade on Mr. Forkle's orders—she had to go get Jungkook for an official Black Swan meeting happening in a couple of hours, just so he was prepared.

"—Lisa I LIKE HER!" a voice that Lisa recognized as Jungkook's shouted as her feet touched down on the silky white sand. But the softness of the floor underneath her only made her head spin faster.

"What?" she asked, more to herself than Jungkook or—Jennie, she realized. That's who he must have been telling that too.

What had Jungkook said? 

Lisa wondered. She hadn't got to hear the whole thing—he must have started while she was leaping—but she'd heard enough to understand. He said... he likes me? The thought seemed so foreign and strange that Lisa had to let it roll around her head for a few minutes before she came to terms with it.

Jungkook turned around, the panic in his eyes clear. "No—Foster—it's not what you think—" he started, but Lisa held up a hand to stop him.

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