Let's keep it PG : Part 1

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Try as she might, Lisa knew she couldn't keep ignoring Jungkook. It was a weakness. Something about him always drew her in. Kind of like the proverbial moth to the flame. She being the moth and him being the flame, of course.

Besides he was sitting not three feet from her. How could she even pretend not to hear her best friend at that distance?

Slowly, Lisa turned her head, not wanting the teacher to take notice. They were currently taking a test and Lisa was pretty certain as to why Jungkook was trying to nab her attention. The cheat!

She looked at him, cocking an eyebrow questioningly. "Yes," she hissed, keeping her voice low.

Jungkook shot her a quick knowing smile. That's right. Jungkook knew her too well. He knew that she hated cheaters, but for whatever reason gave into him every time.

For her own sake, she was glad he hadn't figured it out. It was just too embarrassing, too clichéd really. Maybe it was because she had promised herself she would never be that girl. You know, the one that falls irrevocably in love with her best friend. The one that has to combat the ugly green-eyed monster every time she sees him with his new girlfriend or mopes around like a lost dog because he would rather spend his free time with 'said girlfriend' over her. Yeah, unfortunately, she had become that girl even after promising herself she wouldn't.

It was humiliating to think that she had fallen into the realm of unrequited love. No, actually, forget humiliating, it just sucked. Her life was no longer the same carefree life anymore. Now, she spent most of her time stuck in daydreams, fantasizing about Jungkook and the possibility that he just might feel the same way. That he would someday profess his undying love for her. And then reality strikes. Taking a big bite out of her magical dream world and forcing her to realize that it's never going to happen. That he just doesn't have those feelings for her. That all they will ever be is 'friends.'


"What's the answer for fifteen," he whispered to her.

Lisa rolled her eyes at him. "Really, you're only on question fifteen?"

"Hey, we can't all be geniuses like you Miss. Smarty-pants."

"Yeah, right," she muttered sarcastically under her breath, turning to look down at her paper. Ignoring him, she decided to let him sweat it out for a while.

Seconds later she felt a tap on the side of her sneaker. And then another one, a little harder this time, when she didn't respond to the first.

Lisa glared back at Jungkook knowing that he would just keep kicking her foot until he got what he wanted.

"Well?" he questioned quietly.

"Jungkook, I am not helping you cheat. Figure it out yourself."

"Aw, but you're my best friend. You can't just leave me hanging like this." He gave her his best pouty face expression.

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